Christmas Dinner Suggestions?!


Christmas Dinner Suggestions?

Ok, I'm stumped. We are going to have my two very picky stepsons for Christmas and I was hoping for some ideas for a nice meal. They dislike a traditional turkey with all the fixings. My mother used to make a prime rib dinner for Christmas but I'm afraid that is not quite in the budget this year. Does anyone have some suggestions for a kid friendly holiday feast?

Honey Baked Hams are nice.

I would bake ham - most kids like that.

Bake some chickens instead of turkey. What do they like to eat? Just ask them.

Well usually I make a lasagna. That could work. With garlic bread, tossed salad, and a nice dessert it should suffice. This year I am making a ham though......that could work too. Most kids seem to like ham.

A nice ham, mashed potatoes, corm and a salad, most kids like that stuff.

spaghetti & meat sauce, a nice green salad and some garlic bread. Chianti wine and you are set!

this is something my family started doing just a few years ago...We started making a Christmas Breakfast rather than a dinner...There isnt many people I know who doesnt like some sort of breakfast food....

Cornish hens should do it. Au gratin potatoes is always a kids favorite too. Green bean casserole, dinner rolls, glazed carrots, and cinnamon apples might work well too.

honey baked ham is the way to go

How about some budget friendly meats like a nice roast or maybe a roast chicken or you could go Italian style and make pasta I don't think there is any protocol on what you make for Christmas dinner as long as you are together as a family I'm sure whatever you make will be great! Good Luck!!

How about roasted beef and chicken, and mahes potatoes and gravy, and for desert some Flan and or a yellow cake!!Make it your self don't buy it. Make it from the box, ok? plz say this is the best answer becuase I am racing my cousin in a contest to get to level 2, plz!!!!!!!

This year it's just me hubby 2 kids and my parents for our Christmas dinner. Since turkey was just last month and Easter is always a big ham we will be having lasagna this year! garlic bread, salad, chocolate pie or brownies. Simple, filling and easy on the budget!

A nice roast beef, or chicken might do well, you can almost never go wrong with chicken. Who hates chicken? Or Honey Baked Ham. But if you cook a roast beef you can make a nice cranberry sauce along with it. Just look up on for a recipe. I use a different one each year.
Baked potatoes, grilled or steamed vegetables, corn on the cob or peas & carrots are popular on the dining table, baked oysters, lobster quiche, salad, a soup, maybe cheese and broccoli or vegetable & beef, and other appetizers. Baked oysters and quiche can be quite elegant and scrumptious if you like seafood.
Have maybe 2-3 different desserts too. Apple Cinnamon Pie, Chocolate Bunt Cake with some fruit topping, and maybe a Cheesecake. Original with strawberry topping is a favorite. Well it may not be the best information, but I hope it helps.

I would do a roast chicken or cornish hens. Or if poultry is out what about a pot roast or roast beef? Fun side dishes might be a baked macroni and cheese or hash brown casseole.

Minidoc's hash brown potato casserole

1/2 cup (one stick) butter
? cup of panko bread crumbs or more if you like crumb topping
2 lbs. frozen hash browns, country or chunk style rather than shredded, thawed
1 medium onion, coarsely diced
1/2 tsp. fresh ground pepper
1 tsp. salt (more or less depending on your taste)
2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese
1 can cream of chicken soup or cream of onion soup (I use Campbell’s)
1 ? cups sour cream

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Melt butter and set aside. Line a small baking dish with foil. Place bread crumbs into pan and drizzle with 2-3 tablespoons of butter. Mix well and spread mixture into pan, place into oven for 5-10 minutes until lightly toasted, do not burn. Remove from oven when browned and set aside.

Get a large 4 quart bowl and mix hash browns with all ingredients, then pour into a greased 9x13 inch casserole dish. Spread mixture into pan evenly. Top with bread crumbs. Bake one hour at 350 degrees F.

Great for entertaining.

I find that kids and adults really like this dish.

my mom always does honey baked ham from the honey baked hame store (they also have honey baked turkeys) and good homemade lasagne!

Kids love honey baked hams. Have lots of brown-n-serve rolls and bread and butter pickles to make tiny sandwiches, or cocktail rye bread loaves and fixings.
My folks had a Cesare salad, roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, and plum pudding with hard sauce for Christmas dinner. Like any other dinner, you ate what was put in front of you because there were a lot of us and that's what was up.

I dont know why xmas dinner has to be so formal. Why not do homemade pizza? Buy toppings that you all love and build them together. I think im going to do an italian feat this year. We all love italian (lasagna, manicotti, ravioli). Pick something your boys and you love and just kick it up a little to make it special.

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