Martha Stewart: love her or hate her?!


Martha Stewart: love her or hate her?

She's a very talented woman. I think that she was extremely gifted when she started out, her own catering business, her creativity, etc. Now I think her fame has gone to her head and it's all about the money. For her that's great, but for me, I was more impressed with her entrepreneurship than I am with her wealth.

Not worth the energy for either.

i love martha shes cool!

Hate her! She gets by with people doing her work for her.


hate her

Want to make love to her.

Overall I like Martha Stewart. She pays the price of fame. Her best feature to me is that she is still there despite all she has sacrificed, suffered, endured to be what she is. She is consistent in her smile.

Got to love someone who had it all, then lost it... only to come back better than before!

she ok....*

Hate is certainly too strong a word for my feelings, but dislike and lack of respect would hit the nail on the head.

Don't hate her, don't love her, don't care.

Loved her when she was in jail. Hate her now that she's out.

Love her. What's to hate??

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