Disney princess questions?!


Disney princess questions?

My 4 year old daughter was asking me what Snow White's husband's name was and Sleeping Beauty's and we don't have the movies yet, and I can't remember? Did Cinderella's? Or are they all called Prince Charming?

Hi there. I have a 6 year old daughter who also loved Disney's Princesses. I just like to inform you that Snow White & Cinderella's lover are both called Prince Charming. They did not provide names yet. Only in Sleeping Beauty did they started giving the Prince a name which is Philip. Hope I help a little.

Snow White's lover was just called Prince.
and Sleeping beauty's lover is Prince Philip.

Snow White and Cinderella's princes didn't have names it was just "prince" or "prince charming". Sleeping Beauty had Prince Phillip, Ariel (little mermaid) had Prince Eric, Belle had "the beast"...

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