What's your favorite "Hang-out" place???!


What's your favorite "Hang-out" place???

Barnes & Nobles coffee shop or Borders coffee shop
or the coffee shop down my street.

barnes and nobles coffee shop

My room,or in my moms room were the computer is!~LOL! If you are talking about restrants no were.

weirdo. why do you care?


The mall.

we|l, my favorite hang-out place is by the water,it allows me to let my troubles go while feeling all the elements around me.A place where i feel free.


Any type of nightclub, bar, or any place where i can drink, dance, and listen to good music.

Grandfallon in Missouri....

My patio and the backroom of the restaurant my family owns. I've been hanging out in that backroom since I was baby.

My bedroom !!

I love my bedroom !!!

my sofa, with plasma big screen & audio system
+ my bf next to me - it's just GREAT!!!

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