Jewish friend coming over for dinner... What to fix?!


Jewish friend coming over for dinner... What to fix?

Hi, I love to cook, I'm just not sure the food rules Jewish people follow... Got any ideas for a meal we can all enjoy?

You got some good responses, but remember that your friend knows that you are not Jewish and would not expect you to prepare a kosher meal. There is a wide range in how people practice any religion. The basic 3 things to avoid would be pork, shellfish (incl shrimp), and any dish that includes meat and dairy (so beef lasagna is out). The meal does not have to be vegetarian.

Chances are your friend is very liberal and may not keep Kosher at all. I have friends that eat bacon cheeseburgers (pork with dairy - hard to be further off the mark). For this first meal, best to follow the above and then as part of dinner conversation, you can talk about whether there are any issues, including allergies, for future dinners.

Here's some stuff I like (I am vegetarian, though): (make with marinara sauce, not beef)
An Asian stir fry with chicken or beef could work too

Have fun!

I'm Jewish.

unless your friend is hisidic jew you should be able to fix anything. If your friend is strictly kosher... I'm sure there are a bunch of websites you can look for ordering a Kosher meal. You cant cook a Kosher meal in your kitchen. Its not a "Kosher Kitchen"

You may already know. Don't cook pork. There are some great recipies if you google kraft kitchens. Stick to vegetable dishes.A true Jew would not eat from pans that have had pork cooked in them.Good luck with your dinner.

Why don't you ask her if she has any religious rules she follows as to what to eat.

Besides that, maybe she has allergies you don't know about.

Ask your friend if he has any dietary restrictions/ preferences or allergies. You need to find that out for any guest coming to your house.
If your friend is Kosher, depending where you live, you can usually have a pre-prepared kosher meal made or even have your dinner catered. Do not buy kosher food to prepare there.. you must have a kosher kitchen in order to maintain the meal as kosher... whew, confusing, isn't it? If your friend does not observe a kosher diet, you still need to ask about dietary preferences.

Anything that doen't have pork, if your friend is not kosher. If he or she is Kosher, then you shoud find a local kosher caterer and ask them to prepare something separate for your friend. You can not make kosher food in a non-kosher home.

Your friend is coming to your house cook her something that you love and hopefully she will love it too.

It depends if the person is keeps kosher or not. You should ask.

I am Catholic and I married a fine jewish guy. It depends on if they have preferences or not. You really need to ask them. do they only eat kosher? If not, then the menu is really pretty open. They won't be offended if you simply ask if they have any preferences, you can even go as far as to just say, is anyone vegetarian or have any food allergies???? That way it opens the conversation where they give you input. I haven't met anyone in my husbands family yet that doesn't love to eat!!!

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