Bachelorette Party ideas for San Francisco?!


Bachelorette Party ideas for San Francisco?

My friends and I want to have a non-traditional bachelorette party - no strippers - no nightclub! We have considered doing a dinner boat cruise in the San Francisco Bay, but at $100 bucks a head, a few of the bridesmaids feel overextended - including myself. Especially since the wedding will take place in Texas (hotel cost, airfare, dress, see the tab running)

What might provide a similar classy affair at less of a price tag?

go to the "cliffhouse" and have drinks and dinner while watching the sunset and reflecting on her past.....maybe forget that last part.

have a girly slumber party nothing else or
a movie?
comedy club?

well ask ur meryll lynch ,they will give u the best possible advice

go to a nice hotel for a night or two and explore some fancy restraunts where you can dress up for the night and eat good food

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