What can make for dinner thats junky?!


What can make for dinner thats junky?

Junky? As in cheap looking and stuff?
-Mac n Cheese
-PB and J sandwiches
-Soup from the can (Cambell's Chicken Noodle for one)
-Even better any canned food, but still in the can when you serve it.
-Sandwiches in general, the kind on white bread you'd give elementary schoolers for lunch
-Microwave pizzas
-TV dinners
-Hot Pockets
-Microwave freezer foods in general
-Heck I dunno, popcorn straight from the bag.
-Breakfast foods in general: cereal and milk, oatmeal, nutrigrain bars, waffles or pancakes, even omelettes look kinda cheesy
-Drink orange juice. That looks junky
-Anything cut up ugly. Tomatoes, veggies in general are really deappetizing and cheap looking when cut badly
-Carrots sticks
-Dessert: Apple sauce, like the other person said Jello, candy especially still in the wrapper
-Carry out still in the box (ex. Chinese) possibly from crappy restaurant

Mac and cheese. Or jello with fruit.

oatmeal or sand whitch quick and good! POW!

agree, mac and cheese - kraft deluxe, you know that plastic looking cheese in a pouch.

GO to carl's jr get a big chicken sandwich, and chilli cheese fries

bacon and cheese sandwich grilled in butter
cheeseburger with bacon and fries

Chicken wings & fries.
Just buy the frozen ones & throw them into the oven.

spagetti-o's with hot dog slices, finger jello for desert and capri sun to drink

tuna surprise (with stale potato chip crust)
hot dogs & beans
Manwhich or sloppy Joes

Spam and instant mashed potatoes.

Kraft mac and cheese with baco's in it. Then for dessert whip up some of that jello instant pudding.

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