Christmas dinner?!


Christmas dinner?

What is on your table?

Filet Mignon
Lobster Tails
Baked Potatoes (maybe twice-baked, not sure)
Asparagus or Green Beans (depends upon how they both look when I go to buy them)
Sister Shubert's Yeast Rolls
Chocolate Praline Layer Cake

i am not eating at MY home

roast chicken and pork
broc n cauliflower with cheese sauce
honey carrots
bread rolls
apple sauce
xmas pudding with custard n cream!

Christmas eve we will have rainbow trout, potatoes, salad.That's a tradition is our family.
On Christmas day we will have a nice big ham from Honey Baked Ham Co.,Potatoes au Gratin, Salad, Veggies....not decided on desert yet.

Salad with fennel and plum sauce, Baked apples with onions. Mashed potatoes with curry. Stirfry carrots & snow peas. Brown rice. Stuffed bell peppers. Olive capanania. Melted Brie, cheddar, swiss & munster cheese on rice crackers with red peppers. And for dessert chocolate cream cheese pudding with vodka.

Ham, Roasted Chicken with stuffing, Beef Roast with potatoes and carrots, biscuits, Mac & Cheese, Chicken Potpie, String beans, Candied yams, Greens, Cornbread, Potato Salad, Curried Chicken with Rice, Plaintain, Calaloo, Seafood Salad & Mashed potatoes w/ gravy

And that's just what I'm cooking. And other people will bring stuff as well. I have a mixed family, American and West Indian

Turkey, roast and mashed potatoes, carrots, peas, parsnips, brussel sprouts, stuffing, cocktail sausages wrapped in bacon, bread sauce, cranberry sauce, gravy and a pickled walnut!
Then sticky toffee pudding and cream or mince pies. yum!

yams, greens, mac& cheese and chicken

A George Bush, oops I mean Turkey, Apple pie, mince meat,
pumpkin pie, a 40 ouncer of Captain Morgan Dark and a 40
ouncer of Captain Morgan Spiced Rum. The Captain is a frequent quest at our home during meal time.

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