Ideas for table decorations for monthly sr citizens meetings?!


Ideas for table decorations for monthly sr citizens meetings?

I have to prepare tables in the simplest way, not too expensive, for monthly senior citizens luncheon. I have ideas for the months that pertain major holidays like Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas,et.

Need ideas for January, April and so forth.

I have to do that as well. What I do is I take big hurricane candle holders and place things in it that reflect the colors and feelings of the season or holiday. Like in fall I use colored rotini pasta as a base then getting green, orange, and maroon candles. For fouth of july get red hots with blue and white candles or conversation hearts and candles for valentines day. You get the idea. It's really simple and very festive and inexpensive.

Try to keep it low to the table so that they can see the person across from them without having to look around the decor.
Bundt pans are good for putting flowers around them and maybe a candle or something in the middle. (It sure helps when you can't arrange flowers, like me)
Rachel Ray has allot of ideas and so does Smartha Stewart.
Bless you for taking on this task for them...I bet they really do appreciate it!!!
Keep up the good work!
We need more people like you!!

There are some great ideas here:

Happy Holidays flea! My suggestions would be: January, place a soft[small]throw blanket[maybe w/a plaid design]bunched on table w/everyone's coffee/tea mugs nestled in and around it. Have tea-bags,hot chocolate packets,cinnamon sticks etc. Just to capture the coziness of winter. April, put out some "cocktail" umbrellas[they sell them in bulk/or I bet you could get a local bar to donate a dozen or so]scattered along a satin/light blue table runner IE; April Showers? May, just go outside and pick wild-flowers and scatter them along the table with "fresh-picked" rose petals. June, go to a local park/playground and scoop-up a coffee can full of sand. Then pour it out onto the table[maybe use chopsticks as a border]and put seashells, sun-glasses etc. XOXO Moonpie

For January - I would go with the theme of snow - snowflakes, snowmen. Or even a bed of cotton "snow" in the center of the table with white styrofoam balls (which you have rolled in glue and then in crystal glitter) stacked up with a little sign that says something like "snowballs for sale - 5 cents". would be cute - scatter some of those white snowflake ornaments around too.

For April - go with April showers idea. Buy the small children's umbrellas - they are usually a dollar at dollar general or dollar tree. Open up an umbrella for the center of each table. Scatter a few flowers around under the umbrellas - put a sign that says "April showers bring May flowers" will drive home your theme.

August - I would go with an apple theme. Place a basket of apples at each table. Hope that helps some.

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