Food ideas for Christmas Lunch?!


Food ideas for Christmas Lunch?

Just looking for some ideas on what to prepare.
I will do the usual ham & salad but I'm after some more ideas.
Nothing over the top, just something different from the usual.
Thanks in advance for your answers :o)

Try this recipe for a Whole Baked Salmon:

How about dim sum or something chinese?

How about sub sandwiches with all the fixings, and your salads.Happy Holidays and Happy Eating!!!

SUBWAY...if there open

Candied reindeer hoof pie has always been a big hit in my home

do some appetizer type dishes- stuffed mushrooms, mini quiches.

A carrot souffle is always really good and very easy

green bean casseroles are pretty popular

garlic and parsley mashed potatoes or seasoned baked potato wedges

seasoned zucchini - either roasted or sauteed - this is very yummy and very easy- you can roast zucchini, yellow squash and eggplant together and make a medly

pumpkin pie, snickers salad, apple crisp are all great ideas for dessert

these recipes can easily be found online
and are generally very simple

Acohol.. a nice punch.. they won't even know what lunch was.

Well,a cup of eggnog toss in some gingerbread cookies and maybe a BLT with a side of cheese platter.

you may find something here :

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