What hard liqour bottles are the best for drinking straight and that are cheap?!


What hard liqour bottles are the best for drinking straight and that are cheap?

i want a good hard liqour bottle for new years eve to have fun and be able to take shots with and what are some that are good to mix with like soda or juice mainly tell me what is good to drink in shot glasses your opinion

Crown Royal!

jack daniels is the best!!!!!!!!! but jim beamm is good when you add some sprite and hawian punch to it

college experience... = cheapest stuff I can get. 99 berries, bananas, apples, etc etc very cheap and the proof is 99. mixes well with sprite and cherries works well with coke. cheap rum aka bacardi razz or the other flavors. All go well with sprite. Pucker is good and cheap. Most cheap tequilas taste so bad that alone could kill you, so i'd avoid the marguritas. hope i helped.....

whiskey or rum is good...don't get scotch, because the only scotch worth drinking as shots is NOT cheap.

golschlauger warm ur inerds up and polute you at the same time.

casadores reposado tequila, remember to try to say away from mixing liquor with soda this will only increase the chances of you getting a really bad hang over.try mixing it with club soda or some thing that doesn't have that much sugar good luck and happy holidays

walker deluxe bourbon, jim beam bourbon, canadian club

Malt Whisk(e)ys or even some Gin....

If you don't want to hurt the next morning - a good vodka (Absolut - has a variety of flavors, vanilla is my fav) or gin (Bacardi - also a variety of flavors, Coco is awesome) is your best bet.

Vodka is the only one that fits all of your parameters and is good for entertaining (and shots!). Vodka is the only one that mixes with anything! Put out juices and sodas and everbody will find something they like. But for the shot part...... get a lemon and try to take a knife and get a continuos yellow part only peel by going around. Now you wont be able to do it and will get scraps but thats Ok. Put this in your Vokda bottles (the ones you are saving for shots) and leave at room temp, the more days the better. Then put them in the freezer to pull out at shot time. You will have a cool yellow Vodka to pull out when it is time. Fill a big bowl with sugar and put some lemon wedges on top. You will have excellent Vodka and wedges to bite into before the shot. Everybody always likes this, male or female and once people get drunk the licking sugar and such makes things fun.

ok a hard liquour that is cheap, rum,vodka,cadian wiskey

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