Christmas Party ideas?!


Christmas Party ideas?

My husband and I would like to invite our employees and their families over for a little christmas party at our house,and dinner on the 23rd. We have never had a company christmas party before, what are some suggestions on what we could do to make it fun for everyone...they will also be bringing their children. We have four children of our own who will also be there, their ages are 13,11,4,1 1/2 so some good ideas for the kids would be good...Thanks in Advance for your ideas. Merry Christmas

I know it is corny but the kids love bingo, even adults get into it. I was an event planner for a three years. I have seen employers play bingo and gave out a few big prizes like a TV and CD player. Love the video game idea another person had! I am going to check on that for my party! They kids on our street enjoy playing "scene it". You could play hot present, like hot potato. There is also a game where you try to open the present when the music stops. The trick is the present is wrapped numerous times. The kids try and get as many layers as they can off. If you have a fire pit the kids could make smores.

one year my parents rented a bunch of arcade games (pacman, pinball etc) and set them up in the garage - it was a big hit.

i would jus decorate the house with a lot of cute christmas stuff and jus have a lot of different snacks for the guest games, fun music and stuff like that i my answer helps bye

Have a SANTA come! You could play party-sized twister (make your own board with a white sheet - if your place is big enough)... you could definitely do the white elephant thing (if you need to pass some time and have run out of other ideas) you could do a toast - include the kids with Martinelli's sparkling cider - everyone goes around the room and says a toast (a short one)... you could have some nintendo going in a separate room for the older kids... you could have a dance

well, since your kids are different ages, get something for each of them. for the 13 yr old, they can maybe bring a friend over so can the 11 year old (believe me, i know what 11 yr olds like cuz i am one), for the 4 years old get a coloring book and movie they can watch. for a 1 yr old, go to a toy store and get a musical toy they can do and a stuffed animal.

bring santa in 4 the 1 and 4 year old, and some board games! make rice crispy treats, chocolate chip cookies, vanilla cake, cider, etc.

one thing to try is a cookie decorating table, with icing and decorations. the older ones can enjoy it and help the younger. maybe a dirty santa game for adults and older kids. everyone brings something under $5 and play together. a santa is a great idea. a movie maybe for the little ones.

Build a bon fire to toast marshmallows. This is something everyone could enjoy. While your sitting around the fire sing Christmas carols. The adults could bring one inexpensive gift for their child. Have someone dress as Santa and pass the gifts to the children. The adults could bring either a Christmas Ornament or a gag gift and play Dirty Santa (takeaway).
As for the food, don't go all out. Have some party snacks...vegetables and dip, sausage balls,cocktail wieners just general snacks. People really like just hanging out and eating snacks. Face it big heavy meals are a dime a dozen at Christmas. Good Luck and Have a Very Merry Christmas.

I would suggest having a "Party room" set up for the kids - maybe a Christmas cartoon-type movie playing. Have some fun things laid out for everyone to play with - such as playdoh, cookie cutters, rolling pins, etc. Have some child friendly board games ready to go, and I would also have a bag made up for each child that has cookies, candy, fruit and trinkets to hand out.

As far as adults go - Plan on playing Christmas trivia game with the most knowledgeable person winning a small prize (maybe something like a potted poinsettia plant). For this game - hand out pencils & paper for each adult. Make up some Christmas trivia questions ahead of time. For instance - name all of Santa's reindeer. Other names for Santa Claus, etc.

I would make it a Christmas in the Caribbean theme and do a Mexican buffet. Cheap, easy, and FUN!

I love the idea of having a cookie decorating station for the kids with various candies, sugar cookies, gingerbread men and cupcakes.

a room just for the kids w/ various toys and games

If you have a large screen tv or projector you can play a christmas movie (something appealing to all ages likeThe Grinch : Jim carey version) with a caremel popcorn or a popcorn machine.

Christmas caroling

Egg nog/ punch/ martinis for adults

Hot chocolate station for the kids. Chocolate spoons and whipped cream.) marshmellows might be a choking hazard w/ small kids around.

Have someone dress up like santa and someone else there w/ a polaroid camera.

Good luck and Happy Holidays!

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