What type of chocolate do you like best?!


What type of chocolate do you like best?

Dark Chocolate
Milk Chocolate
White Chocolate
Bittersweet Chocolate

Also, do you like it with fruit or nuts or both?

OMG!!! Try the Meiji Black chocolate... and also their Choco Babies... and that other one thats topped with strawberry milk (I dunno the name cause its in japanese. Oh and also their Coffee Beat. It really good.

So i like a brand of chocolate not just because it white or mixed with nuts. It's really because of the taste or it would depend on the mood of which ones i'm craving for.


It's all about the dark chocolate...delicious!


must have almonds in it. or caramel.

Milk chocolate by itself is always best! :D
With gooey caramel and crunchy crispys, its even better! :D

White fruits

semi-sweet is my fav - dark is too bitter, milk hurts my stomach, white is just gross and bittersweet is just not good by itself

nuts are ok but fruit is just odd

Dark chocolate is my favorite! I like nuts but not fruit with chocolate.

Not a chocolate fan but I defiently dont like dark chocolate.

I love dark chocolate and I hate white chocolate. I never had bittersweet chocolate.

Dark chocolate =)

Milk chocolate,I like it with both mmmm chocolate ughhhhhhhhhh


No fruit
No nuts!

Milk Chocolate. I like Chocolate Bars which is including dark, white and Milk Chocolate

Milk chocolate with caramel

i like plain white chocolate! no nuts,fruit,nothing,but if i had to choose it would be nuts.

I like Hershey's dark chocolate and like it with nuts.

Milky milk chocolate But I can have Bittersweet too..nut or fruit don't matter...My taste can go both ways...Like a Bi-sexual.

milk and white chocolate are the best!!!

fruits or nuts ruin it... chocolate is supposed to melt in ur mouth, not reveal a nut!

dark chocolate is so bad... yuck!

Dark chocolate.

Dark Chocalate. Yum!!

Dark chocolate by far. I usually don't like nuts or fruit in chocolate but I bought some chocolate in Switzerland last year that had raisins and hazelnuts in it and it was amazing.

Well mostly dark, but really it's all god to me.

Milk chocolate with caramel, but I had this German chocolate once that tasted like milk chocolate and had different fruits in it. It was, by far, the best chocolate I've ever eaten.

Dark chocolate all the way. don't ruin it with anything else. yum. nsm

Scharfenberger Milk Chocolate - it's a dark chocolate that has milk in it. The best of both worlds. There are other dark milk chocolates out there, but I haven't tried them.


all of the above but my absolute favorite is FREE chocolate.

Milk Chocolate

Technically, white chocolate is NOT considered chocolate

Dark chocolate is supposed to be better for you, but milk chocolate is the best for a really special treat. The best in the world (all kind, but especially the milk) is Belgian chocolate. You can't go wrong if chocolate is made in Belgium. Some of the top brands that are also low cost are: Cote d'Or and Leonidas.

Bittersweet Chocolate!

milk chocolate

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