Is it rude to take or ask for second helpings at a dinner or small party?!


Is it rude to take or ask for second helpings at a dinner or small party?

If no one else has taken any and the host(ess) hasn't offered it either.

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6 months ago
What is man's link? Is it some kind of virus website?

6 months ago
What is man's link? Is it some kind of virus website?

You might break the ice by saying "that Lasagna (or whatever) was delicious, may I have just a little more please?" Someone else mayy want seconds, too, but be too shy to say so and you would pave the way. If you get a chilly reception, or no one else follows suit, then I definitely wouldn't take more of anything else. Most gracious and warm hostesses would definitely offer her guests to eat as much as they would like.
However, if you happen to be a person who is even slightly overweight, I would not make that first icebreaking move to ask for seconds, because you know how rude people can be behind your back and sometimes to your face. Sorry to say it, but it happens that way, people are aware of an overweight person's eating but a skinny person can eat like a horse and it's fine.

no. were u invited? youre hungry, your hungry.

Not in my home. It's an insult NOT to eat a large meal.
But then again....I have a Sicilian household.

I would feel awkward myself asking if no one else has or offered

I think it is perfectly fine to ask for seconds, just make sure that everyone has had firsts first :)

if it is a small party among friends then it is probably fine. if it is a formal party, it may not be okay. Of course everyone else may also want seconds and are just afraid to ask, I say go for it. I would take it as a compliment to my cooking if it were my party.

Well I suppose you should probably make some subtle signs that you want more, like checking how much is left or looking at the food, so that the host(ess) will you ask you and then politely say yes.

If there is enough food why not. If every one else thinks the same no one will be asking for seconds you be the first, maybe the host is to busy eating!

No, the cook will consider it a compliment. Just don't belch real loud when you are finished.

And don't click on mans link

no it is not bad to ask. you should at least give it a go and see what they say. if they say that you cant have seconds just say that you are sorry for asking and ask them if you can finish any food that they do not eat. also, if no one has taken any seconds look around and see if they are still eating or talking to someone. that may be the reason why they havent taken seconds yet. if the host(ess) hasnt offered it give it a little time then ask them.

i would have to say it all depends if the people at the party r big eaters or not

If your host(ess) hasn't offered, then I wouldn't ask. Maybe the haven't offered because they didn't make enough food, and they are embarassed.

Just make a mental note that the next time they invite you, to have a snack before dinner.

If you serve yourself and there is plenty of food left after all have taken their servings, your host/ hostess would probably take it as a compliment that you enjoyed what they offered. But if you receive a plate that has been prepared by someone else, you should wait to be offered.

as long as everyone else has eaten then no, i would take it as a compliment is you asked for seconds. its means i've done my job well as a hostess.

It's okay to ask for seconds if EVERYONE has had a first serving.

it depends

If there is food left, ask your hostes if she minds if you have more. or if the food is in another room tell your hostes how much you reallly like the meal, see if she offers you seconds.
She would be flattered you liked her cooking.

No, go and eat all u want cause it may get throwed away after the party.
It is not rude, it is more natural to eat up

There's not one set-in-stone rule that is applicable to every situation. You have to judge the scenario.

More often than not, it would be rude to take or ask for second helpings, so if I couldn't figure out the cues, I wouldn't do it.

But sometimes it might be considered a compliment (i.e. "Wow you're a great cook!"), so there's a chance it could be one of those times.

I would think it would be fine; as long as everyone has had a portion and there is some left.

Ok first DO NOT GO TO www.******.com it's a site that has stupid pics of drills and thats it. No if your hungry you can ask for more it's not rude it's just making people realise you'r hungry

If everyone has already had a helping, then it's perfectly fine to have seconds. Most likely someone else is wanting seconds of something and is waiting for someone else to go for it first!

I don;t think so, because in a party you are allowed to eat what you want, it is a party isn't it? so get it started

Personally I think that it is a compliment to your hostess/host that they served such a delicious meal. I would say something like;
"Wow, that was so delicious I would love to have some more." and do not forget to ask for the recipe, even if you do not know how to cook. Someone around you is bound to know how to cook.

Depends upon what they're serving... if ti's individual pork chops or shrimp cocktails, 1 for each person, then no. But if it's froma big bowl on the table or buffet, everyone is served, and there's half left, certainly!

If you feel squeamish, you may say something like "Wanda, this Chicken Pasta is fabulous... would you mind terribly if I got a wee bit more?" I'm sure then they'll tell you to help yourself!

IMO, the host/hostess are just as petrified as the guests, and are not thinking you may want more food... they're busy thinking up conversation starters, hoping they have enough wine, realized they've left the bread to burn in the oven, and are not even thinking folks may want mroe! I would be complimented as a hostess if someone asked for more!


As a hostess I would take it as a compliment if someone asked for seconds.

no, of coz not..

I looked on Emily Post web site and was unable to find the answer (but included the website if you care to search for yourself)

But in my opinion (as I do entertain quite a bit) if it is buffet style, by all means, after everyone has had one helping, go ahead and have seconds.

If however the meal is served by the plates already being fixed and brought to the table, it's best not to ask for seconds as the host may not have enough for seconds.

If you find you have a larger appetite than most(as my husband does), try eating a snack before parties where you are unsure if seconds will be available to you.

Or bring an appetizer, fruit or extra side dish to the party as your hostess gift. This will a lot you a bit more food.

If you are at a buffet style dinner, it is perfectly acceptable to go back for seconds, as long as everyone else has already served themselves. If that's the case, and you still aren't sure, absolutely compliment the hostess on the food. Most likely she will then offer you more. If she doesn't (very poor manners) then I wouldn't go back for more. If it's a pre-plated dinner at someones house (the hostess brings the meal out of the kitchen with your servings on it), you shouldn't outright ask, but should again employ the "that pasta was wonderful" technique. If she has made enough, then she will offer you an additional helping.

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