How to throw house party?!


How to throw house party?

How to throw a house party....
1. Lots of alcohol
2. Fun friends
3. Hott tub
4. Loud and crazy music
5. a house
6. Beer pong table, pong balls, and cups

hope this helped you out a bit!!!! House parties are always the best, as long as you have booze and music i dont think you can really go wrong

got beer?

booze, music and sexy people with a great attitude

depends on how you want it elegant, simi-casual, or just casual
elegant= name plates for where people are sitting, classical music of your choice and fancy entries, champagnee
simi-causal= people sitting down no name plates, up beat music but not to offensive and maybe a few nice cheap wines
casual= buffet style or standing, a little bit of loud up beat music where people can have fun and get a little wild, beer

lots of alcohol lots of friends loud music and make sure no cops come

booze, music and sexy people with a great attitude

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