Who likes the Eggos product line?!


Who likes the Eggos product line?

I used to eat them all the time but since then I have developed semi bad skin so I have to stay away from them but do you think it is something good to eat?

MMmmm.... Yummy

no like

the waffles seem harmless. Drink more water to help your skin.

yea. i like to eat them with honey sometimes.

I find them dry and a waste of money

I like the chocolate chip waffles

lego my eggo!

I love them!...havnt had em in a while though

I LOVE them but i like my moms home made waffles more

YUK !! Anything prefabricated is scary... I make my own waffles, freeze them and then pop them in the toaster. Soooooooooooo simple and much cheaper and healthier !!!

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