Great and different ideas for bachelor party??!


Great and different ideas for bachelor party??

An overnight camping trip or stay at a cabin in the woods if the weather is decent.

Needs to be somewhere that late night noise won't bother anyone.

Should include plans for food and non-alcoholic beverages during the evening and at least a light breakfast like donuts and coffee.

Should include at least one mature person that will stay sober to keep an eye on things.

Have a campfire, drink some beer, cook burgers, play cards...just hang around and BS.

If you're a city boy or the time of year is bad for outdoors, get a suite at a hotel and maybe a couple of spare bedrooms. Bring your own food and beverages. Maybe hire a couple of classy female escorts to serve as hostesses in the suite (hostesses - not hookers). You could start the night with a cab trip to a local eatery and/or club and then come back to the suite to relax and hang out. Don't get drunk and trash the place.

For something completely different, you and your friends could spend a couple of hours doing volunteer work.

Well, you asked for different ...

see a comedy show....

I agree with and like the idea of volunteering that someone else mentioned. I think that sounds absolutely terrific - it feels so good to give back! And afterwards, you guys can go out for a nice dinner.

go with the classic rent a party bus and go to the bars! start off renting ice and if you have enough guys play a game of hockey! go somewhere warm and golf.

none at this time

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