How can i make shrimp cocktail servers with things i have around the house ?!


How can i make shrimp cocktail servers with things i have around the house ?

i want to serve the shrimp maybe on a glass i need an idea for the sauce i would like to keep the shrimp and sauce together for individuale servings

Put crushed ice in a martini glass .. put a shot glass in the middle with the sauce .. or you can buy cheap plastic ones at the party store.

What else would you like to use from around the house?

use large wine or margarita glasses.
fill the glasses 3/4 full with finely shredded lettuce.....
top that with shrimp cocktail sauce (ketchup, horseradish and a touch of lemon juice) and hang the shrimp (with tails on) on the rim of the glass with the tails on the outside.

If you have small juice, wine or other type of glass, pour some of your shrimp sauce into the glass and arrange the shrimp hooked on the rim (tail side down). Either top the sauce with a small wedge of lemon or lime, add a fresh basil leave or similar, or sprinkle a little dip on top. The green on the red will make it more like Christmas.

i happen to grow rosemary so i would use those stems for skewers.

You could buy those little edible pastry cups (the frozen ones you buy in the freezer section of the grocery store) and fill those with the sauce and arrange the shrimp atop a bed of baby field greens.

They look great in any clear glass. Martini glasses look the best in my opinion. I did go to a reception once where the shrimp cocktail was served in a large bowl made of ice. It was left on a plate with greens around it to hide the towel underneath. The bowl was made by filling a large metal bowl with some water and placing a smaller bowl inside. She then filled the little bowl with rice, then froze it all together. They were neat looking and held the sauce in a small ramekin in the middle...and they kept the shrimp from getting warm and gross.

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