Menu for chicken cacciatore?!


Menu for chicken cacciatore?

I'm hosting a small dinner party for some close friends tomorrow night and plan to serve chicken cacciatore on a bed of angelhair as a main course. What else could I serve to round up the meal? (appetizer and dessert suggestions?)

I like making different dips and spreads as appetizers-it's super easy. Make a cannelinni bean dip-I put a can of beans in the blender with some pesto, olive oil, salt and pepper, and sometimes cumin or anything else I want to throw in there. Serve that with some crostini (take a loaf of french bread, spread some olive oil on it and sprinkle with salt and bake until crispy). You can make an herbed goat cheese, or take a log of goat cheese and roll it in dried cranberries. Baked brie is always a good choice, also.
For dessert, make something simple. Go to and you'll find some great ideas! If you want, buy a store bought cheesecake and a tub of some king of fruit (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries). Cut the cake in half across it using dental floss, so you have a top and a bottom. Put the fruit in a pan on your stove and add a few tablespoons of sugar, cook until the fruit starts to break down. Spread fruit mix on bottom half of cheesecake, top with the top half and drizzle the remaining fruit mixture on top. Ta-da!!! Instant dessert! Have fun!

Chicken Cacciatore huh.... Sounds good...
Ok, appetizer... you can have some sauteed shrimp or scallop on a bed of sauteed spinach. If your looking for hors d'oeuvres or an amuse bouche you can do mini beef wellingtons, sundried tomato mousse on belgiun endive, a green apple endive salad with vinaigrette.

Dessert... Chocolate Cake or creme brulee

pie dip

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