Any good ideas for bringing in the new year?!


Any good ideas for bringing in the new year?

Hogmanay (New Year) is a wonderful Scottish holiday. It is usually spent at home, with friends, singing, dancing, eating and drinking. At one minute to midnight, the woman of the house opens the back door, takes a broom and 'sweeps' the old year out. Then the front door is opened, to let the new year in. From that point, everyone watches to see who will come 'first footing'. After everyone has sung Old Lang Syne, right at midnight, the men slip out and to call on the neighbors, stop for a wee dram, then carry on. If the first person to visit your house is a dark haired man, you will have good luck in the new year.
Whether you believe it or not, it's still fun to do.
I think the men go out first footing to give the women a chance to clean up the kitchen, but that's just a feminist observation......

I wonder if you'll find something here...

nothing planned yet,, will update though,, :)

Getting plastered and passing out!

Eat food and watch the ball drop!!!

Vegas Baby!

What Poll-Man said, plus add Sparklers. Also, make sure the first person over your threshold on New Year's Day is a male, someone other than one who is a resident in your home. This is for good luck all year. You could invite a good friend, and treat them to breakfast. You could ask a neighbor kid ahead of time, and pay them 5 bucks for the service. If you are on real good terms with your priest, you could ask him to come and bless the house. Some kind of payment - food or money - should be offered here, too.

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