For a buffet party what do you think are best dinner choices?!


For a buffet party what do you think are best dinner choices?

I would say, any kind of chicken breast prepared in some kind of sauce, such as lemon caper sauce, mustard sauce, etc. would probably be the easiest. And most people like chicken, so you are likely not going to have anyone turning up their noses. (There are a lot more people who really don't like BEEF!) If you want a variety and to give people more of a choice, you could also do a crockpot with savory or bbq meatballs. OR.. . a large pan of lasagna! (People seem to love lasagna too, and it's easy to prepare/serve!) Ham is another easy choice, as long as you pre-slice it so people aren't in line struggling trying to tackle a piece of meat. Mashed or scalloped potatoes on the side are always crowd pleasers. Hope this helps.

canapes, chicken with orange sauce, salmon with almond sauce,
Grecian rice, green salad and fruits a lot.
desert: sweet creeps with strawberry sauce.(or petit gateau with
ice cream)
kisses, from padeiro gaúcho.

curry prawns and rice, lasagna, apricot chicken, seafood mornay, thia beef salad garlic prawns, crab cakes for nibbles, stirfry,

chicken, pasta and meatballs, casseroles, veggies and salads fruit bowl

Unless you have plenty of places for everyone to sit once they get their food, you should concentrate on food that is not messy or covered in sauce - finger foods, in other words. And if using disposable plates, make sure you get ones that are very, very sturdy. If you have dips, provide little plastic cups that people can fill and set right on their plates. Make it easy, but make it yummy.

If it is a sit-down dinner once people fill their plates, you can serve just about any kind of food you want. Plan your menu according to the logistics and you won't go wrong.

Pasta dishes always work because the sauce keeps them from drying out. The same goes for chicken and baked beans. Salads, pasta, potato, garden and of course rolls.

Items that can be prepared in advance and/or are easy for the hostess to prepare:

- lasagna (can be made in advance and frozen until needed)
- BBQ pork for sandwiches (crock pot)
- BBQ meatballs (crock pot)
- baked potatoes w/all the fixings (sour cream, butter, cheese, bacon, chives, etc)
- chili (crock pot)
- cheese fondue (crock pot)
- chicken wings (can be store bought & frozen until needed)

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