It it true that maple trees will explode if you dont tap them?!


It it true that maple trees will explode if you dont tap them?

LOL--that is funny. Exploding maple trees. I could just see the streets lined with bark-shrapnel. Car alarms going off, house windows shattered, dogs and cats running for cover.

Good God no.

that is hilarious, but no

no .. heard of any randomly exploding maples? you know that they can't tap them all right? hehe .. nope but the maple does drip out like a sap does :D


Nope. Got lots of them and don't tap them.


yeah their a bit gassy

yes they do! and when they do, they cause a syrup holocaust.bring the eggos!!!

Ha. I don't think so. If that were the case, think of all the exploding trees we'd have in the world...heck! my own front yard!! But I do believe once you've tapped a maple tree, you are suppose to continue tapping it. Sorry, but not sure where I heard that or what the reasoning behind it is. I think...just me guessing that once it has lost some of it's sap due to the tapping process, it works harder to create more?? Something like that.

no thats not true at all thats funny though

Have you ever heard that one did? Have you ever seen it on tv?


No, but a cows eyes will get real big and watery if you don't milk her.

yes, i lost my pinky toe due to a maple tree explosion.

no just leak!

Bamma say yes but you have to shake them first. Bamma say that why they don't grow in California. Bamma say he used to tap trees for a living. Bamma say pardon me please. Bamma say he hide behind tree sometime. Bamma say no better place to take a nap. Bamma from Mexico. Bamma love a good siesta. Bamma say his family sell Mexican maple syrup. Bamma say it has tequilla in it. Bamma say secret ingredient. Bamma tired now. Bamma otta know.

Certainly not. The tree sap is for our benefit,not for the tree's comfort and well-being. Trees manage just fine without our help.
The maple trees are gorgeous though at the time of the "change" and if you've never tried maple sugar candy you definitely should. The version from Vermont is my favorite!

NO!-They are just fine tapped or untapped.

Yes. Haven't you ever been to a forest where everything was covered in sap? That's because there weren't any people around to tap the trees. Obviously maple trees were made for the sole purpose of producing sap for us to make into syrup.


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