How big a turkey to feed 10 adults for xmas dinner?!


How big a turkey to feed 10 adults for xmas dinner?

15 lbs., plus gives you leftovers...

Turkey and Stuffing Calculator

I think 1 1/2 lbs of turkey per adult. So a 15 lb turkey should be fine.

18-20 pounds

This idea comes from Racheal Ray. Instead of cooking 1 large turkey that takes too long to cook. Cook 2 small one.

To serve 10 adults I would go with a 18-20# turkey. This will be plenty at the table plus nice amount of leftovers.

I have a family of 10 and have always gotten this size turkey.

For Thanksgiving we had 16 people and a twenty pound turkey. We just had enough leftovers for dinner on Friday.

Oh!!!! about twenty pounds


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