My Sweet 16 is less than 2!?!


My Sweet 16 is less than 2!? theme is the beach... i love it there. i have everything thought of/planned etc. except for centerpieces. i dont know what would be cute and "beachy" that everybody would like.....any ideas??

You probably want to steer clear of sand... most obvious, but very messy. Go for starfish, shells, maybe some beach glass.... even a seagull... they make them in paper mache' and that hard stuff... my mind is gone... dealing with my ham question... but go with tropical fish, "breezy" greens... etc... I lived in Hawaii for 9 months and noticed there are NO seagulls in Hawaii! Isn't that odd?
Anyway, you could do the fish and green (wide) ribbon and toss in a couple of pair of goggles, and maybe some flippers... the things you wear on your feet to scuba or snorkel... FINS!... make it look like a snorkel excursion... the fins, goggles, a breathing tube... that would be fun and different.

Happy bi\thday!

Got2 have sand pails with items inside (prizes, beverages, e.t.c.
Creative sand (colorful),floats u know the whole beach vibe.

Well I'm a guy and I'm not sure if my input counts but hey It's cool to help

I was thinking that you could get a average sized glass container or some kind of clear container and inside u could have a whole bunch of sea shells in it and those cool umbrellas that they put in smoothies or something.

Have a Happy Sweet 16

mix some white sugar and light brown sugar for sand, along with something like either marshmellows with food coloring or chocolates for a palm tree. basic idea, but you could build on it.

You could try a surf board theme or maybe do a treasure chest and have party favors or gold chocolate coins in it. Oriental Trading Company may have some ideas they sell themed party stuff (lei's, grass skirts, etc).

I'd put sand all over the table and cover it with something like siren wrap. THen id put on the table starfish shells and maybe have someone bulid a sand castle.

drinks like soft drink what ever in little sandcastle buckets, if you have serviettes you can put them in miniture life saving veicles, the tables could even be thoose old style surf boards as base

call everybody you invite to wear beach clothes and make them feel like their in haiwii

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