I am throwing a drinking xmas party tomorrow and I need HELP!?!


I am throwing a drinking xmas party tomorrow and I need HELP!?

How do I make jello shots that actually slide out. Last time I used disposable plastic shot glasses, but we ended up having to scoop out the jello and it ruined the whole fun of it!!!


Pam in the glasses

Use more liquor

sorry i cant help that question but i wish i had some!! lol good luck!

trying lightly spraying the cups with a non-stick cooking spray (very lightly!)

butter, some kind of oil on the glass before you put the jello in.
Rub orange oil, lemon oil, mint oil (all found at the grocery store.)
Make sure the flavor of the jello doesn't taste bad with the oil.

It's kinda hard for them to come out, but they will if you just use those plastic containers with the lids. You know the one I'm talking about. The ones that you might get from a restuarant if you are ordering out and you have a salad with it. I promise they will come out, just gotta use ur tongue a lil.

use an oil in the cup before you put the jello in

Try using glass next time, but plastic shouldn't be the problem.Fill your sink with hot water before you serve them.Dip them in the water for less than minute. Have someone help you if you have many.Dry them off, or not and then place them on a serving tray...alright...I'm starting to sound gay now. You have your BEST answer. A good idea :fill a large bowl and place it in the center for everybody.They can steep their own shooter before the group celebration.

i work as a bartender and when we make them we do not do anything special ... the fun of a jello shot is having the person suck it out or use their finger to get the jello out of the cup and into their mouth ... how fun would it be if it just 'fell' into their mouth ... jello shots are meant to be FUN ... make the recipient get the shot into his or her mouth !

get paper cups-the ones that they have at the dentist office. You can get them at any catering supply store. Smart and Final, I think Costco carries them. Or you can buy them in the kiddie isle, because they only hold about 2 oz of liquid.

The people who suggested no stick cooking spray are right on the money. We've done it many times and it always works. Just use a very light coating of it and you're good to go.

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