Ideas for Murder Mystery party?!


Ideas for Murder Mystery party?

Hi! A close friend of mine has a neice that wants to have a murder mystery party for her 14th birthday. She's thinking of a Clue (as in the board game) theme, and she hopes to have each guest she invites wear the outfit/color that their assingned character would in the game (Miss Scarlet wears red and looks "rich"). Her and her aunt have most of it figured out, but they're still not sure of how to do the "murder mystery" part. Does anyone have any ideas as to what they can do (perhaps leaving clues, picking one guest to be the culprit of "who killed Mr. Boddy", ect...) Any ideas are welcomed!! Thanks.

I just read a book in which someone invited people to a tea party using clues rather than regular invitations. The host slipped the guests a piece of paper with Through the Looking Glass and a chapter number on it. The guests had to find the book and look up the title to the chapter (A Mad Tea Party) to know what the party was. He later slipped them a piece of paper with coordinates to the house of the party. Something like this might be a neat way to invite the guests AND start the mystery part. There is also a book called The Westing Game (I haven't read all of it yet) in which people are invited to move into an apartment complex to begin an adventure similar to Clue. You might want to look into that for some ideas as well.

There's an interactive DVD version of Clue that you can play at the party.

Once you've sent out invitations with the starting clue, you can periodically send out MORE clues BEFORE the party starts. You'd have to plan several weeks in advance, but it could be a lot of fun.

I also think there are actual party kits you can order with this very theme. That would take all the pressure off of having to come up with everything on your own.

Good luck!

uhh i dont know!!!

The answer to your promblem is simple,just use props,costumes and ripped paper if you have too just make things look real and blended in.Also you should hide things.People can search for somebody's killer and see who did the murder and investagate. And who ever gets the most clues wins. Award all guests like best dressed, most smart,most investigative , and be creative with different superlatives. And finnally make sure everyone gets an award in this party. Because your motto is :Everybody is a winner at this party!!!!!

dont use any real murder weapons!

That sounds fun!!!

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