How do you prepare chestnuts for eating?!


How do you prepare chestnuts for eating?

you first have to kill them..never cook them alive its so cruel...dude..just heat the oven to 350 and place the chestnuts on a cook sheet and place in oven and when they turn brown and spilt open they are done..I think..

1. Get the Nuts
2. Crack Them.. Some Way..
3. Put in a Bowl
4. Enjoy

You roast them on an open fire. Duh. ;)

You need to make a cut in the skins before you cook them. They will EXPLODE if you don't. (Believe me, I did that once.) If you don't cook them they taste horrible!

roast them

If you have not yet prepared your chestnuts I have an easier method than roasting (although they taste WONDERFUL when done that way!).

You can cut an "X" with a sharp knife on each, put into deep bowl or microwave dish, cover with water and cook at high for 3 - 5 minutes (depending on your microwave) or until water boils. Allow to sit 10 minutes...remove from water and cool as they will be very hot. Then you must peel them which is the tedious part.
Once they are peeled you can lightly season and roast in hot oven for a minute or two; or chop and use in stuffing or cookies or whatever; or simply pop into your mouth, seasoned or not. I LOVE these nuts in spite of their cost and the trouble they are to peel!

I boil or roast them!


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