What is the perfect home cooked birthday dinner?!


What is the perfect home cooked birthday dinner?

For dessert, there will be mint chocolate chip ice cream cake from DQ. Essentially, it's for both my 19 year old brother (01/03) and 44 year old aunt (01/28) on two separate occassions. What is your idea of a birthday dinner? Please be specified. Your suggestions and input are greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

here are a couple different ideas:

steak cooked on the grill
corn on the cob
parker house rolls

garlic bread sticks
green beans drizzled in olive oil

grilled chicken breast diced and added to a crisp mixed greens salad w/real bacon bits, colby jack cheese, homemade croutons and ranch dressing (this can also be wrapped in a tortilla and toasted under the broiler for a minute to melt the cheese)

home made pizza!!! yum

My mother's spaghetti and garlic bread. Mmmm...tasty!

Something you never cooked before. That way they know that you put a lot of love and effort into making the dish especially for them.

Ribeye steaks.

mine would be chicken cutlets with white rice and creamed corn and peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream on top , and did i mention some red wine

Angus rib eye steak grilled with garlic salt pepper.

lasagna, garlic sticks and an italian salad.

Fondue - the best meal to have with family and / or friends! I always cook fondue for birthdays, and also an Italian one named "bagna cauda" which is made of 3 head of fined chopped garlic, 100 grames butter, 12 anchovies, olive oil, 600 grames heavy cream (this is for 6 people and a modification ot the original Piemonte's version made by the Italian inmigrants in Argentina. As there they found too much dairy and few olive oil, they added more cream and butter to the original recipe that has more olive oil)
Fry the garlic in butter and a bit of olive oil, once they are transparent add 12 chopped anchovies and the cream, mixing carefully till is boiling, put it in a fondue pot and dip vegetables, boiled ravioli, cooked chicken pieces or whatever you want in!
Perhaps this idea seems too strong, try whatever fondue and you won't regret. Everybody will have a great time


You can see different fondue recipes if you brownse the Website below
there are other cool Webistes on Fondue, and books

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