What is your favorite egg nog recipe?!


What is your favorite egg nog recipe?

How do I make alcoholic egg nog for my dad? Thank you in advance as I greatly appreciate it.

I use commercial egg nog (such as Hood brand) because it's pasteurized - nothing like Salmonella to ruin your holiday! Typically I mix 1 part light rum, 1 part dark rum, and 6 parts egg nog. Sprinkle with ground nutmeg, and enjoy slowly with good company.

Safety warning: Overindulging on egg nog will make you sick much faster than other types of booze because of the high fat content. OTOH if you control your consumption properly the slowed alcohol absorption will give you a long-lasting (if mild) buzz well into the evening.

Ew egg nog yuck

Take two parts store egg nog and one part cheap rum, mix in stomach until vomiting.

plain omellete with lots of spring onions.

Dairygold. Sorry I don't drink. They did have an interesting one on The Office the other night. It was 1 part egg nog and 3 parts saki. They called it the nogasaki.

I like to buy Egg Nog Latte from a coffee shop such as Starbucks.

Which u want give me...!!! Thats Best.......... LOL

well i have to say im very happy someone's going to make it that's thinking out of the box..all i can say is u need egg yolks. but if u want the secret recipe get in con with me on candystripeno1@yahoo.co.uk and i'll reply to every message with the word FOGGYDUE in capitols....have a good christmas...

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