Should I take another gift as well as drink to a informal drinks party?!


Should I take another gift as well as drink to a informal drinks party?

Being informal it is not absolutely necessary.
But a small gift for the hostess would be nice.
If it's a host I (for some unknown reason) don't think it is as necessary.
Happy Holidays!

Buy a box of mingles then


People always appreciate a good bottle of wine or spirit - so as long as you aren't just taking the booze you intend to drink all night, its fine.

It depends on how informal the party is to be honest.

I think a gift would be nice ..because it is informal .. best
to leave the drink.. merry Xmas and a happy 2007

A bottle of something is adequate. Take a gift only if you would normally get one for that host anyway.

A gift would be nice, but it's not really necessary. Personally, I might bring a box of fancy chocolates or something simple.

I would! It is Christmas after all and also it is just good manners.
Maybe something homemade or some flowers - and if you know your hostess well something a bit more personal to her.

Have a good party. Enjoy, but behave with some decorum and you may be invited back! Happy Christmas.

Yes something small perhaps a bottle of perfume.!!!

informal party= no. but if you want to do it. do it.

You could take some flowers if theres a lady in the house .

If you think you should
it depends on how well you know the person

a bunch of flowers for the hostess will go down a treat!

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