How long should meat cook properly?!


How long should meat cook properly?

Depends upon the thickness of the animal carcass. Also if rigamortis has set in, you may need to use meat tenderizer. You can slow the decay rate of the flesh by freezing it.

depeds on the meat. ask the man at the counter

depends on the meat n how ull cook it...

boil for 5 more no less.

170° internal temperature, this amount of heat will kill any or MOST dangerous bacteria!

OK, this is a basic guideline. Poultry needs to cook to 165 degrees, and check the temperature in the thickest part of the dark meat since it takes longer to cook. Pork can be cooked medium or above so anywhere from 150 degrees on up. Beef of course, can be cooked anywhere from rare which is 140 degrees, to well done which is 165 degrees. Except for hamburger meat which really needs to be cooked medium well (160 degrees) or above to be safe.

It depends on the variety of meat, the size of cut, the cooking method, and in certain instances, steak for example, your doneness preference. Personally, I like my steak still convulsing and mooing!

Beef rare 20 plus 20 minutes extra
medium 25 plus 25 minutes extra
well done 30 plus 30 minutes extra
Lamb medium 20 plus 20 minutes extra
well done 30 plus 30 minutes extra
Veal well done 30 plus 30 minutes extra
same goes to the Pork
Well I roast my roast beef for 2 hours on180degrees celsius.
2kg topside.

1an a half-2kg leg of veal
1an a half to 2 hour
180 degrees Celcius

2kg leg of pork
Approxiametly 2 and a half hours.

Depending on how you are cooking it say chicken for example if you are deep frying a breaded chicken breast about 6 minutes, If you are baking about 1 hour. all other meats usually until they are no longer pink even pork will turn white unless its ham or hot dogs they are pre cooked. Have Fun

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