Are Granny Smith apples a good choice for making apple pie?!


Are Granny Smith apples a good choice for making apple pie?

Or what apples are best for baking pie? I would especially like to find one that can be used for a "no sugar added" pie.

Granny Smith apples are sour by nature, so to use them, would require a lot of sugar to sweeten perhaps too much for your liking.
I would try a Gala apple, they are the best for pies or Idared as a secondary choice.Honey Crisp are also good, but by far the best is Gala.

A produce associate in a major grocery chain.

Grannies are a lil bit sour. Dunno though.

On Thanksgiving I made an apple pie using granny smith apples and it turned out great. I would use granny smith apples. Good Luck!!

Granny Smith are very good for apple pies. They are firm and tart. Others that are less tart (but not real sweet) are Fuji, Winesap, Rome Beauty, red or yellow Jonathans (Jonagold?), and others. [I prefer Red Delicious for eating raw.] If you are not using any type of sweetner, go for the sweeter types. If you are using sweetner, then go for the more tart (remember sweetner is 10 times sweeter than sugar).

You can use more than one type, also. I do this all the time. It changes up the flavor of the pie so each bite is not exactly the same.

Granny Smith's are great - the other one I really like is Spartans. The ones that seem to be the worst for baking are Macintoshes, they get kind of mushy, anything else will work - if you like to eat it fresh, you'll like it in a pie.

I think Granny Smith the Apple of choice, but, any apple will work. I have used those big "Red Delicious" with good results and not use sugar as my mom is Diabetic. It sweet enough. Also, if you want to try something a little special in place of sugar, just add about an 1/8-1/4 cup of Honey. ;-)
Below a picture of the Red Delicious.

why not, i don't think it matters what kind of apples you use.

yes usually you are suppoesed to make pies with green apples dont worry it doesnt come out sour

Granny Smiths are generally good for making pies because they don't mush. However, since you want a no-sugar added pie, I would try Golden Delicious, Jonathan, Jonagold, or Braeburn.

there fine ,,, but if you can fined ROYAL GALA there the best!!!!

I've always read and heard that Granny's are THE best for making apple pie. As for a no sugar added pie, that would be rather tart and no one would eat it. Use Splenda instead. It's made out of sugar but is recommended by the diabetic association.

Thy are excellent Granny Smiths tartness gives a great taste when compared to the sweetness of the added sugar

Yes, because they are firm apples and they wont get all mushy when the pie is done.

Granny Smiths are a little tart, and not traditionally the best baking apple. However, what's best is to use cooking apples, like Cortlands, and then for every two, use one granny smith. The flavors and mix work really nicely together.

they are great! i use cinnamon, cloves, ginger, vinegar and tapioca. No sugar. It is a great chutney flavored pie.

Granny Smith apples are the best kind for baking, most apples become mushy after baking, however, sugar is needed. Try Splenda instead of sugar.

If you like a pie that a bit tart they are great, I like Macintosh.

Lulu go for makes the apple pie a little sourish tingling taste to it! yummy!

Granny smith apples are a very good choice for apple pie and as for sweetener why don't you use splenda.

I love Granny Smiths in apple pies. They are tart and firm, so they don't get super mushy.

You can try a mix of Granny Smith (tart) and Golden Delicious (sweet). You will also find that this gives you a nice mix of texture as the Delicious soften a bit more than the Smiths.

I like to use macintosh apples, because they are a good medium between red apples and granny smith. They are both sweet and firm, so they won't get too mushy or be too tart.

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