How many skittles of the same color did u pull out at once?!


How many skittles of the same color did u pull out at once?

meaning u just dumped some in your hands and they were all the same color
i got 6 yellow

Ya know, I've never been so bored as to count the number of Skittles that were the same color.

Here's wishing you a fuller life in 2007.

I don't have time to count the color I just eat them but I guess four yellows

2 green

You must have a fascinating life!

i got 4 oranges. I hate the oranges lol

I ended up with the same as you 4 yellow

You got me beat, I got 5 greens.

Good God, has Yahoo Answers come down to these lame-o questions? I don't have the time to count how many of what color candy I have. Might as well just sit in a corner and pull of the cuticles on my thumbs. But I guess I've gotten like 4 reds before, or whatever.

I heard that you can buy bags of only green skittles because people were believing in certain, um, side effects. Or was that M&Ms?

That I can remember I pulled out 2 reds once.

I got 5 yellow - honest

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