I'm throwing a nerd themed birthday party - can you give me some ideas?!


I'm throwing a nerd themed birthday party - can you give me some ideas?

I'm throwing a nerd themed birthday party - can you give me some ideas, please?

I have the following ideas:
- guests dress up nerdy and I will be giving out awards for different nerd catergories (geekiest, best she-nerd, etc)
- my son will dress up with suspenders and have his hair done up like Alfalfa, maybe with some high water pants and loafers
- I am going to wear icy blue eye shadow, bright pink lip stick, roll down socks...

Guests will have "Nerds" candy, scones (cone-shaped corn chips)

What other ideas do you have please?? Many thanks in advance!

I love this idea! Everyone has to have a cheap pair of fake glasses with tape on the bridge of the nose or near the earpieces. Pocket protectors, pens, bed-head, sloppy white shirts buttoned all the way to the top, clip-on bow-ties, and baggy or unfit clothes, unshaven, Birkenstocks.

Play Trivial Pursuit and see who's the nerdiest!

(PS, your nerd-wear is so 80's that it was in style back then. Trust me, I've been there and done that. Nerds are more plain.)

Former picked on nerd

have a lot of nerd type activities like star wars marathons, pac man game tournaments, and a lot of junk food nerds love that stuff.

Rent 'Revenge of the Nerds'........and the sequels.


Your such a sterotype!!! Go on urbandictionary and look up nerd.

Don't forget the pocket protectors!

Hmm, what about buying some of those huge plastic sunglasses and giving them out in decorated calculator bags. And be sure to throw in a small HTML guide or something.

It may sound costly but actually if you just printed off a few things then either handwrote it or just pront out more that one copy, all you would have to do is find the sunglasses. And trust me, all the guests will love them!

pocket protectors for everyone!

cool idea

Give the party favors in pocket protecters.

Requires everyone to wear a pocket protections with several pens. Have them bring their own slide ruler (optional). Calculator is an acceptable substitution. They are to laught in a nerdy way, 'Nyak', or 'hee hee' (actually, I dont speak nerd language but hopefully someone can teach you how to laugh nerdly). No sports talk allows in the party.

Nerd based trivia. See how well you know nerds and movies that they played in aswell as nerdish movies as star trek and star wars.
Dance contest or karaoke with nerdy songs as such as White and Nerdy etc.
Rent movies as star wars, star trek, and anything that could be rated good enough for kids to watch seeing as you have a son that is there and maybe others.
Try to find the Urkel dance song or some video that shows him doing it and get the guests and all to participate in learning it. Like line dancing only nerdier.

Turn on backstreet boys and ABBA. No offence to fans of these bands, but for a kid to adore these....

Just make sure that while renting all those star wars, star trek etc, you don't bore your guests since they actually have to sit through the movies.

How about a math or trivia tournament? Or maybe a team scrabble tournament?

P.s Great Idea!

Nice idea. Everything sounds great and looks like you can handle that party planning well. Have fun!

Go get some of those big think glasses that people used to wear. Try tucking ur pant legs into ur socks. My brother is the biggest nerd, this is his every day life.

Wear flipflops or sandals with socks underneath and wear a checked flanelette shirt tucked into underwear showing over the top of the trousers (like Madonna did once) with a tie.
Play Scrabble and do Soduko puzzles and do crosswords.

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