Where does the green bean come from?!
Where does the green bean come from?
My father wants to know. Heh Heh
Beans originated in Central America. They were grown in the western hemisphere before Columbus started his explorations. When the Americas were discovered, climbing beans were found planted with corn.
"Bean" refers to the fruit, the pod and the seeds. From 8 to 20 cm long, green, yellow or striped with red, the pod holds 4 to 12 seeds.
The green bean was born in the hot regions of the Americas, India and China. It was introduced to France by the Conquistadors about 1597. For a long time rare and expensive, this vegetable became widespread only in the 19th century. The first to put green beans on their menus were the French. Digestible, low in calories and filled with vitamins, green beans are the darlings of women who are keeping an eye on their figure!
There are different varieties of green beans: string beans (the classic variety), snap beans, butter beans… Green beans are categorized according to size:
Very thin: maximum width under 6 mm
Thin: maximum width between 6 and 9 mm
Medium: maximum width above 9 mm
tell him my farm
The valley of the jolly green giant, of course!
Doesn't he watch TV?