Caviar for new year...?!


Caviar for new year...?

I would like some "caviar" for a new year eve party Where can I purchace at a reasonable cost.... (Coverntry Area) and a happy new year to you all...

any fish shop should have some...if not you can always try sainsbury's....

The cheapest place I know is a string of Iranian shops on High Street Ken in London going towards Olympia - have you any Iranian shops in Coventry? It's just over 1/2 the price I just paid for down here in the West country...good luck! :-) - oh and try serving it with finely chopped hard boiled egg and finely chopped raw onion - and frozen vodka or schnapps - it works a treat! - and goes a lot further....:-) Happy New Year! p.s. if too expensive, try salmon roe from Waitrose/Sainsbury - or even lump-fish roe.

Happy New Year!

I really don't see what the "big deal" is with Caviar. Had it several times.

Happy New Year!

Hello. If you have a Lidl nearby that is your best bet - otherwise I have been known to buy it from IKEA! Failing that I think most supermrkets sell it, but Lidl and IKEA are cheapest.

Serve straight from the fridge, on top of blinis ( you can buy or home made) little pancakes with a dollop of sour cream! Best served with a good chilled white wine, champagne or chilled vodka!

Yum. Im having these for new year too!

not for new year, caviar any time, it's right lidl selling it but sturgeon roe are the best , you have to look and pay for it , a warning they are not cheap.
happy eating and happy new year

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