What should I take to a reunion at an old friends house?!


What should I take to a reunion at an old friends house?

I'm going to an old friend's house (whom I haven't seen in 5 years) for a reunion. It's more like a brew party since the old friend likes to make beer as a hobby. I was thinking wine or nice chocolates. Any suggestions for decently priced wine or any other gifts? Thanks.

I would take a bottle of Baileys Irish Creme. It is a nice gift. I always take that because everyone gives wine and I like to be different.

get a big box of chocolates !!! yuuuuuuum!!!!

how about a selection of cheeses ?

Bring along a wine that you used to like together.

If it were me, me and my old friends used to drink Boones Farm! Like $1.89 a bottle. Ok, now we all are grown up and know how yick that was. Seriously, a good inexpensive wine is Wild Vines Blackberry Merlot, but that is the only Wild Vines that is good. Also take yearbooks for some old laughs, if you went to the same school.

Grab a case of good beer. Wine is good also.Everyone can enjoy it.

If the person you are reuniting with is Asian, don't dare bring a clock for a gift, it's bad luck!! Knives and scissors are also bad luck in some cultures so don't bring those either.

Bring some appetizers that go well with beers, or wine. Like a can of grilled oysters, with crackers or a tray of sliced sandwhich meats, and crackers. I think some may like that. Even sticks of vegetables, with a dip. Caviar is good for some people too.

Merlot is a good wine to take but I am not sure about the price.

Take a couple of different bottles of wine ( you can find tons medium priced from $7 - $14 a bottle) so you can have a wine tasting as well.......A nice cheeseball or homemade dessert would go well also.....

If it's a brew party, I would kind of stick with the theme - Most hosts will serve some other beverage for either someone that doesn't care for beer, or doesn't drink at all. I would suggest something like pretzels & chips (choco. covered pretzels) and maybe some "different kind of chips" and dips. As a gift, you may also find ingredients for making a "lager" or some other kind of funky beer that he may experiment in making - Have fun!!

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