What are some healthy late night snacks?!


What are some healthy late night snacks?

Natural microwave popcorn, carrot sticks, maybe baked white corn chips.

I have always had popcorn. I will eat fruit if I do not have any popcorn.

an apple... bowl of cereal (not that sugary stuff though). vegetable sticks...

cottage cheese and applesauce

Pretty much any fruit of vegetable.

any fruit or vegetable is okay, but not oranges or tomatoes because the acid may cause heartburn.

an apple or orange
or air popped popcorn
w/ no butter

smoothie...this one is my fave...
1 cup vanilla yogurt
1/2 cup frozen blueberries (thawed)
1/3 cup blueberry juice or cran-grape juice

its tasty...enjoy!

You do not want any fruit. The sugar will give you energy you don't want at bed time. Plus, it's bad for your teeth and morning breath. (even brushing may miss some of the sugar between your teeth and sugar left behind causes tooth rot.) Fruit is good in the morning. You should eat something that has protein in it. You liver will produce sugar at night while you sleep to keep your body going. I think that you could have some cheese and crackers or maybe some baked chips with bean dip. Carrot sticks are ok, but they are a complex carb., that means that your body would have to do a workout before bedtime to lose the extra energy they will give you. If you are a dieter, complex carbs should be eaten before you go for a jog or workout. Your best bet is the cheese and crackers with a glass of water or milk. Works for me.

granny smith apple slices with peanut butter.

bowl of oatmeal with chopped fruit (apple, bannana or raisins). Add cinnamon and/or nutmeg to taste.

baked tortilla chips with hummus or salsa.

plain yogurt blended with ripe/slices/peeled fruit (bannana, steawberries, pears) blend all with ice. Very sweet and thick.

All of the above. And let me add hard boiled eggs to the list. I have started eating them later in the evening, as I tend to be a late night snacker and don't want to dive into the leftover banana cream pie. So not only are eggs healthy if you eat them hard boiled and without eating way too many, they are also filling without being too heavy, so I don't feel like a blob before I go to bed. Adrian Brody ate nothing but hard boiled eggs to drop all that weight he lost for the movie "The Piano." So I know I am not adding the calories. If you get sick of plain hard boiled, try adding a dab of low-cal mayo or mustard.

cookies and wrm milk or cocoa with marsmallow

I love the little flavored rice cakes.


Cereal. Corn pops, fruit loops, honey nut cherrios and golden grahams are my favorites. They are loaded with vitamins and minerals. Yeah- they have sugar, but less than candy and other snacks you might grab for. I make a little cup full every night around 8pm and snack on it through the evening. No need for milk!

A few grapes or slices of carrots and a glass of milk.

Or...some plain crackers and warm honey & lime drink.

some carrots or an apple

popcorn, light butter

Fruits, Popcorn, Maybe a cup of soup if youre up to cooking so late in the night - a clear soup.

apple and orange slices, celery and carrot sticks with low fat ranch dressing.

my friends say grapes but they don't really know y. wait one said they make u go to the bathroom and they go right thru u....

apples carrots oranges

bannanas apples&peanutbutter ants on a log(celery w/ peanutbutter w/ raisons/or cholate chips e-mail me at zuess_the_moose@yahoo.com

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