Got any party themes for a teenager?!


Got any party themes for a teenager?

My 14th birthday is coming up & i dont kno what kind of theme i should have. Got any ideas???

just party, use brighi colors, yummy finger food, music, lots of friends. u dont need a theme just have fun!!!


black and white

Here are some good ideas for birthday partys

Go for a glow in the dark theme, so much fun! Get glow sticks, paint, everything glow in the dark, black lights too! Have an amazing birthday!!

how about HAWAIIN? It is always a hit for any occassions

A pj inspired party would be a blast! it wouldnt even have to be like a slumber party but just have people wear their pjs and have a party based around the pj theme. Also its always fun to have like a dance for your birthday too and invite all your friends.

How about a party inspired by a certian era or movie?

happy birthday

Happy birthday

How about a Retro party? Have everyone dress up retro style get some old music and funky decorations like lava lamps and bead curtains. Have a great birthday!

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