Is this theme party lame?!


Is this theme party lame?

I've been thinking about hosting a "You Tube" theme party.
I plan to set up a screen projector, and ask all my friends to to present their two favorite you tube clips.
I plan to do this in the living room.

It's a very unique idea - I think you need to take it one step further though - plan on filming some things at the party to put on YouTube. Have props box, music, etc. to make it interesting.


I guess that would be pretty cool. I am going to guess you all spend a lot of time on You Tube. IS there going to be booze there? That might make it funny.

yes i think it i a VERY good theam hey email me anytime

well to me it kinda is. its not a kinda party that i would throw but sum suggestions are that u tell only sum of ur friends there favorite clips. if there's alotta ppl coming then the party mite last a little long or get a little boring.

why do i care and it is super duper lame no offence,,,, 10 points plz plz plz

A lot depends on what clips are chosen. Is there any way to discretely vet them in advance (to edit out the boring ones)?

kinda lame and anti-social. it's like throwing a TV party.

naw doesn't sound very interesting

Sounds good to me....

I think it actually sounds like a lot of fun. Especially if that is something you and your friends enjoy. And booze will probably help some. Everything in life seems funny when you have had a drink or two....Have a great time and let us know how it turns out!

I personally do not like parties like that

no offense...sounds lame. unless there is gonna b loud music, dancing and ALOT of drinkin it aint a real party...but on the realz if thas sumthin u think u n ur friend will have doin then its good

mabe not you tube!

I have never heard of that, and I know that "You tube" is really popular. I say go for it. Its something different.

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