MUI's and parties?!


MUI's and parties?

If the cops bust a party with a lot of people and a lot of minors, will they most likely just give tickets to the minors rather than arrest them all?

They'll bust as many underagers as they can, and then go for whomever's place it is, and who supplied the alcohol. Even other adults could be cited for contributing to the deliquence of minors.

Once the cops bust a kid, they go after the adults.

hay whats up kid

depends on where you are - some police agencies give citation arrests - some make arrests...

I would also guess it would depend on how the minors are acting - if they play it cool, they may just get citations, but if they act like jerks and mouth off, etc... they may get taken in...

Are the minors rich white kids or poor black kids?

depends on where you live--more than likely, they will target the adult owners of the house and/or whoever supplied the alcohol to minors

Tickets will be issued.

just stay away and dont chance it!

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