How to throw a good party?!


How to throw a good party?

I am haveing a party in a month. All my friends are into the party scene and I want then to have have a good time, I have seen some crazy partys and I want to have a good but still manageable party.

First - good lighting.
The key to a good party is atmosphere. Never underestimate a bit of mood lighting :) Dim the lights or only turn on half, light plenty of candles, add a few tall paper corner lamps if possible. A good trick (if you have an outdoor area) is to put two handfuls of sand or gravel in the bottom of a small brown paper bag and then add one tealight candle to each bag. Fold the top of the bag over if it is too tall. Line these along paths and put a few in the garden, they look great!

Secondly - music
Don't just make a playlist- control the order the songs are played i.e. group similar songs together. Maybe hire a DJ if you're budget allows?

Thirdly - food & drinks!
Make sure there is heaps of water & other drinks easily available. Heaps of ice!
Make an effort with the snacks, don't just open a packet of chips. Be creative!
Make a dip or cheese platter, also ask a few guests to bring something homemade if possible.

Hope this helps you!


no alcoholll for fatsausage.

get off the net and meet people, yes real people

No Alcohol.

Well, I don't believe in "crazy" parties, but I do believe in parties where the guests feel well-received (to say the least) or, at least they feel a noble, respectful vibe of consideration . . . and love.

I say, send out creative-type invitations. Something to catch their eye.

then plan for something above-board. Something different and unique. Throw some truth in there, if you can't come up with your own thing, try a Hawaiian Luo and try a little Retro Magnum P.I. theme party with Hawaiian flowers and full-force games and whatnot to occupy their attention. Sorry to sound so Pacific, but I live in Minnesota and Magnum always works. He's the best. Never fails.

Only my opinion, of course. Best of Luck to you!!! have a fun party!

1.Prank phone call people on speakerphone with all of your friends listening, but don't get out of hand, say something like "Hey, is John there?" and they'll say "No" and you say "Oh, I guess I have the wrong number." but don't just wait until they answer the phone and hang up, act like you made a mistake.

2. Go swimming, after that go in your car with your friends and dry off to some hot air and have a towel around you, and listen to some crazy or just awesome and fun music.

3. Go online and do some really fun stuff. If you don't want to do that, play some games, entertain people or let people entertain you(ex. do magic tricks).

4. Finally, lay down in bed and watch your favorite comedy movie with your friends and eat buttery popcorn! That's always fun.

Hope you can take my advice and have a rockin' fun party!

Happy 2007!


too throw a good party you could use some easy appetiezers like cheese and crakers nachos easy things.
drinks like if it only adults wine if kids are there too use some punch juice easy things

You could have a fun theme for the party such as ... at the beach...or 70's...or even cartoons...or mabee a game party...where evry one brings there favorite game...jus do sumfin funn...that you will enjoy...and so will youre friends!!!

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