Can anyone suggest a creative INDIAN alternative to cake cutting for Birthday?!


Can anyone suggest a creative INDIAN alternative to cake cutting for Birthday?

Hi, My son's birthday is coming up and I am looking for some creative alternative to cake cutting. Not that I am against this Western practice, but I don't see the point in cutting a cake on a Birthday. Can anyone suggest an alternative?
A Dad!!

Additional Details

6 months ago
FYI. My son is 1 year old. So, he won't demand anything:)

6 months ago
FYI. My son is 1 year old. So, he won't demand anything:)

My son's first birthday was during the bird flu scare so I did not have a cake. What I did instead was I ordered homemade chocolates in the shape of different animals to gift to the children and liquor chocolates for the adults.

BTW I think LA's idea of lighting the lamp is really GREAT.!

My elder son used to go to Chinmaya Mission school and there too they were not allowed to cut cakes instead they were made the prince of the school for the day and burfis were distributed to the other kids.

Though my elder son does like to cut a cake on his birthday "We NEVER light candles" on them coz I do not like him blowing out any flame as we revere the fire as holy light /life giving force.

DO as you please on your son's birthday . Start your own family tradition you do not have to go with the herd.

A VERY happy birthday to your boy.

The Sacred String thing....

scalp it.

i appreciate that! surely theres no point in cutting a cake, u can satify urself by just wishing ur son. but ... see , its ur son's brthday u should do the way he wants to celebrate it.
thnk he is ur loving son and he takes u as his loving dad.

you can make a gajar ka halva and make it in to a form of cake so even if your son wants to cut a cake u and his demand will be fulfilled

Some traditional minds consider the practices of blowing off lighted candles and cutting of a cake to pieces as inauspicious. They prefer to do Aarti of the kid by the mother and parents give blessings and gifts.
Party can go on as now in vogue. All family members and friends of the kid can enjoy a get together, fun, games and food.

It is nice to see an Indian wishing to celebrate the Birthday of his son in an Indian way!

True! cutting a cake prepared by a baker, mechanically, to celebrate one's birthday, is not that lively!


Select a "Sweet Dish" which will suit ur son the best!

U may arrange for the requisite ingredients to prepare that!

Ur Mrs. may prepare it deliciously adding copious amount of her love in it!

All the family members may get dressed up well and go to a Mandir nearby of ur choice and do pooja!

Feed him the specially prepared mom's sweet prasad and share the joy and sweet amongst ur family members!

On return, if possible, share the sweet and the joy with your family friends too!

Wishing a very Happy Birthday and many many happy returns of the day to ur son!

Hi...You can go to some orphanage and donate money on your son's name for their 1 day meal. That will be a good idea. I hope that would not cost too much.

dude, keep up ur spirit i support u. srry i dont know dat thing

Well my hubby's B'days are always associated with 'Jalebis '. He's 50 now and we still follow the routine of getting hot hot jalebis for his day in the morning.
I have also seen some prepare 'sooji halwa' with shudh ghee and lots of dry fruits. This is first offered to the Deities at home.
You could also have a small Satyanarayan puja performed in the morning with your near n dear ones. But let your son have the freedom to attend it as much as he can cheerfully do. For it is said that listening to the katha is as beneficial as sitting for one.

I would just pass out sweets, like berfi, ladoo etc... you just need something that signifies your happiness. happy bday to your son!!

make it the way he wants

The only reason you cut a birthday cake is so everyone can have a piece. If you are opposed to knives (such a Western thing), serve cupcakes. For an INDIAN alternative, maybe read Sanskrit and speak Bengali or Hindi while eating a curry dish.

Its gr8 that u got an Idea not celebrate ur son's bday by cutting cake..
Alternatively you can do one best thing... just gather all the kids in your apartments or near one... make them feel jovial and distribute the sweets / candies...
Atleast distribute the needy with some extent what ever you can do...

Hey I think an alternative to Cake cutting would be making ur son light lamps in front of God 'n getting him sm really yummy sweets 'n ice creams... Apart frm all these make plans to take him to any of the orphanages around (do inform them earlier) and make him meet children little less fortunate in not getting Dad 'n mom as he has... 'n Make him mingle with those kids 'n present those kids with sm gifts/sweets... 'n do make him to make it a point to continue this tradition for rest of his birthdays :)... I bet he shall 've the best Birthday ever... 've fun
B/w i donno what might be ur son's age... This was just my view

oooohhh! cut the cake with cookie cuttters so it'll be fun and creative!

tak ur son to any orphanage home and make him understand the pain of those people..then he wil grow wit humanity and wit good attitude. coz i used to tak my younger brother( aged 12) to nearby homes and make him help them ( ofcourse by giving money and clothes). according to me.. its the better way to celebrate birthday...

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