Need ideas for a 13th birthday party for my daughter?!


Need ideas for a 13th birthday party for my daughter?

I dont want a sleepover, as I will probably invite some family and maybe some of her male classmates. Any ideas would be wonderful.

CELL PHONE, ipod, mp3 wii (maybe wii) or Money my sister is turning 13 in August. i think I'm gonna get her flowers

EDITTING ohh the party sleepover even though u don't want one. or just google it

Well speaking from a 13 year old male, I think a movie would be cool, but make sure you ask her who she wants to invite. Otherwise it will be a LANDSLIDE.

Chucky Cheese! or Dave and Busters if you don't have a CC nearby.

well i recommend getting her a cell phone, ipod, laptop, or get her a cute inside puppy or outside one she will love it because i am 14 and i wanted all kinds of stuff like that when i was that age. I wanted a cell phone when i was 13 and i got it and i was so happy that i did i was texting for days.

have a taco nacho party make the fixins and let them fix it their way!! play silly old fashion games like twister etc...

what really does your daughter fancy?what artiste does she have? and what does she dreams of becoming ?dear mum if you could answer all these then i think you can easily plan her B party beause if she really would want something her friends will have in their minds forever and ever so go and get her favourite music cds and and non acohol drinks which you know she and some of her school friends like and decourate the room as nice as possible but not with kids stuff because she is growing up and wouldn't want to see kids stuff ,take her shoping for cloths but make sure you don't buy the dress she wants but sneek back latter to buy it for her and present it as a present then send her to a place she hates the most then arrange for her friends and family to come to the house but make sure the assignment or place will not last long so when she comes home she will scream then surprise her.Goodluck in your adventure.

A party at Dave & Buster's is great if you have one in the area. Fun for adults and kids.


have her make a list of some of her closest friends and then maybe have them go bowling, to the mall, out to dinner, (something like that) and i would say back to your house for a sleepover after that, but since you said no sleepover; then go back to your house and have them hang out a little bit and then go home around 10 or 11. and i'm 14 so i'm just telling you what i would like as a birthday party.

Rent a hall, hire a D.J. and invite your daughter's family, friends and classmates. Everyone enjoys music (make sure the D.J. plays your daughter's favorite music). Have either pizza or Chinese food also to keep the cost down. Enjoy!

If you change your mind about a sleepover try hiring a hair stylist and manicurist from you local salon for the evening. Your daughter will have a blast and so will her friends.

But, it sounds like you are having this party for yourself, you know, you don't want a sleepover, you will invite some family and you might invite some of her male friends....I think you should ask her what she wants. No offense intended, just holding up a mirror.

How about a pizza party, but let them build their own pizzas. Buy several crusts and lots of toppings. Let her favorite CDs spin in the background. Give her a list of 13 things you love about her. See if her friends will do the same. Then, everyone off to the skating rink. Talk about fun and giggles !!! Give her a diary so she can start recording her teenage years . Create a memory she will carry with her forever.

have them go to the mall and /or movies

How about an American Idol type party? You can rent a Kareoke machine and maybe even get one of those dance mats for the the kids to play on. This site has tons of ideas, I've used it many times. Check it out!

hmmm maybe going out to dinner and then back to the house for some movies/games

a sleepover is kool...when i was 13 or 14 my friend had a co-ed sleepover for the end of the skool year party and it was fun. watched movies and had pizza and hung out in the neighborhood.

take her on a road trip! take her shopping!!!! or just have a family party!!!!!!!!dont invite male classmates!!!!!!! THAT IS A HUGE NONO!!!!!!!!

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