I want to increase my height which kind of food is useful for me?!


I want to increase my height which kind of food is useful for me?

Well, first off, you may know that milk helps with growth and height because of its calcium that strenghthens bones. You should have a lot of calcium and protein in your diet, like meat and vegetables. Here is some miscellaneous information I thought was interesting and who knows, your height may be just fine right now. :

A simple way to get a rough estimate of someone’s potential height is
to use what is called the midparental height. It is discussed in an
Emedicine.com article about growth failure in children.

For boys take the average of the parents’ heights in
inches, and add 2.5 inches. For girls, take the average and subtract
2.5 inches. This height is the most likely height for that individual.
Height varies, and statistically it will vary about 2-3 inches in
either direction.

I hope this helped.

there is no food that's going to magically make you grow taller. Just drink a lot of milk and dairy to keep strong bones.

Food won't help but if you can find a medieval torture device
known as the rack it could add another half-inch or so.

Just consume lots of fruits & vegetables.Drink complan u will become taller..

Your height is determined by genetics and there is no way to change your genetic makeup. Depending on your age, you may still grow a little.


stay away from shrimps
and start eating FOOT LONG HOT DOGS

Most of your height is determined by genetics, but if you had a poor diet as a kid that could effect your height. How old are you? If you ate still pretty young (like early high school or younger) you have another growth spurt coming and a good diet will help you get the most out of it.

Eat a ballanced diet. There is no one food, and actually relying on one type of food could be detrimental. This is when the food pyramid comes in handy. Really, dont try any weird diets, no matter how many people swear by them, for once the government is right. You can also talk to your doctor next time you are around, and check the library for books.

Make sure to get fruits and vegs, protein, and grains. Drink milk, and avoid pop (it's been shown to actually deplete the calcium you already have), because you can't have height without good length of bone. Avoid the over processed and junk, but you don't have to completly cut it out.

Maybe try exercise and some weight trainging also. When your growth spurt kicks in, it could help stimulate growth hormones. Don't take supplements, although vitamins are a good thing.

actually, there is this chinese herb or something call "tianqi". my parents used to feed me with that...it is very bitter... and you can jump with a skipping rope, maybe it will help...

Milk. But milk is bad as a long term nutrition cos it clots your joints.

Food that contains protein such as milk or bean...
protein is important source to rebuild our body tissues...

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