Is it acceptable to be wasted drunk before your guests arrive?!


Is it acceptable to be wasted drunk before your guests arrive?

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6 months ago
Boy, I didn't realize so many people on Yahoo Answers had no sense of humor.

6 months ago
Boy, I didn't realize so many people on Yahoo Answers had no sense of humor.

yes, and you should answer the door naked.

I would say no. And maybe check out an AA meeting.

wedding no
party yes

of course. it makes the party even more fun.

No that is silly. Who will take their coats?

Depends on your guests.


Probably not a good're place will get trashed and you can't maintain control of the situation.

Unless its just a few close friends that are all coming over to get wasted drunk, then it should be okay, but you'll miss out on some fun since you'll be the first to pass out.

only if your guests are 21 year old college students, other wise i'd stay away from the alcohol until the guests get there

No offense, but NO DUH. THAT IS JUST SAD.

Unless you want to make a fool of yourself, go ahead. But i would say keep sober until ur guests arrive. Besides its of bad manners.

It's never acceptable to be wasted drunk in public.

It depends on who the guest are for example... In my case

My friends= YES I would be sloshed and it would be hilarious... Of course I’d probably get elfed.

My Family= NO they would be horrified.

definately not

No it is not.

Sure...if all your friends and guests are drunks.

and you thought you should ask because????

Of course, if you want them to turn away right at the door. Or even better, you could be the party clown, dress up like one before you get drunk.

Hell Yes!!!!!!!!!

sure it is exspecially if your a fat as* red neck useless house wife


It's your home.

It just take a minute to crash on your own bed/floor.

I have every intention of getting wasted before my guest arrived for my birthday party next month. I deserve it and I bet whatever it is you are celebrating you did too.
So this toast is for you.

If the guests happen to be your inlaws it's not only accepted, but fully expected!! (and most likely necessary to the survival of all!)

Only if your guests arrive that way too.

I take it that you are very young asking a question like this. Even when I was young (it wasn't all that long ago), if I arrived at a party and the host/hostess was already wasted, that would turn me off. I would think that person was very self-centered and didn't care about his or her guests. Parties are to socialize and enjoy yourself and not to abuse your body by getting wasted. I have been wasted a few times in my life and realized what a total waste of time it was. You don't remember anything and feel like crap the next day. I like to feel good, laugh and remember what I do. I also value my driver's license and don't drink and drive.

It is never acceptable to be wasted/drunk. Grow up.

nah you shouldnt,your guest will think you purposely finished all the good stuff & left them with all the cheap lame ones

no way dude. way not acceptable. plus whats the fun in that.

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!

haha i dont think so but it would be funni as hell

Drunk? NO! But it is OK to do a few bong hits.

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