Do you know the average cost for a DJ for a party?!


Do you know the average cost for a DJ for a party?

Also any ideas for a 40th birthday party would be awsome!

I use to book DJ'S and bands. Cost today for a Party DJ 5-6 hours is $150.00 to $200.00

That varies considerably by location, but I would guess that $300 to $500 per night is about right. With the proliferation of iPods, there may be people who do it for less.

Another consideration is an artist who does the caricature drawings or a someone like a Harry Carey impersonator.

a little over a 100 bucks

depends on where you live, the type of party, the size of the party, and the amount of hours the DJ would have to play music.

Usually about $100/hr, and often there is a 3+ hour minimum.

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