Any ideas for a holiday/new year's party?!


Any ideas for a holiday/new year's party?

I need ideas on activities, food, and games for a holiday party/ new years party I am having. The people that will be there will be around 12 or 13 years old. Nothing with alchohol or gambling please!!! And please keep it simple!!!! THANKS!!!

games like 20 questions, scene-it and pictionary are always fun to play. I think for young teenagers pizza is a great way to go, and then you can always have some potato chips and dip with a small veggie tray on the side. Soda and juice for sure, maybe make shirley temples with cherries and a straw for a fun effect.

I found some glow sticks in a can at michaels at the dollar section - 15 of them for a buck - you could get some of those and put in a drink like a stirrer or let them wear necklaces and bracelets.

Do you have a kareoke machine or know someone who has one? That could be fun too.

I like black and white theme's myself - like black and white balloons and little poppers for some easy fun appeal.

good luck!

OK... here are the steps i suggest:
1. when they come instruce u to them
2. u guys should then play a game like spin the bottle to kiss that girl or boy. or guess who that person is, or heads up 7 up. something at least
3. food fight? unless they bring clothes and eat food
4. shower or dance
5. watch a teen movie

You gotta have munchies like chips w/ dip, veggies w/ dip, and other finger foods like pizza or those high rollers. Have some cookies, candies and so on for desserts.

Music. Play some fun music or turn on a radio station that is having a countdown of the top songs of the year.

Have some fun games ready to go. Bean bag toss is easy and popular, Yahtzee is easy/fun, Uno, Pictionary, Outburst, Catch Phrase or whatever your son/daughter likes to play.

Have some sort of cool lighting. Black lights or something and glow sticks/bracletts/necklaces. You can find them at walmart or the party store.

Don't forget the Sparkling juice for the New Year!!

The link below has some fun games to play

I would go to like a Kmart or Walmart b/c I am sure games are on sale after the big shopping season... buy some pictionary and buy one of those big art boards (the paper pull off type) they aren't expensive and set it up for them to play.
I would create an area just for them. A cooler with ice and sodas. Maybe a blender area with ice and strawberry daquiri stuff... they can make the non-alcohol version.
Have chips and dip for them. Also have a stack of other cool games for them: taboo, uno, i am sure there are tons of them at the stores.
They'll have a blast!

Hey I'm throwing a New Years Eve party too and I'm about the same age.

I'm having a bunch of girls over and we're doing a Yankee Swap kind of thing.

I [and sometimes you can have each guest bring one thing instead, but on such short notice i dunno if that'd work out] bought some cheap lip glosses, Nail Polishes, Earings, a magazine, some chocolates, couple of small body lotions and some girly stuff. If guys are coming, well I don't know what I'd do, the rest of this might not be useful--but I suppose you could find a few things for guys or at least something thats generic like a 5 dollar gift card to starbucks or dunkin donuts. I mean who doesn't like coffee? Or at least some of the fruity drinks...

Anyways what your supposed to do is wrap everything up, put it all on a table, have everyone pick a number from a hat, and then whoever has number one goes first and picks whichever thing looks the coolest to them.

Then the whoever picked number 2 goes, and if they want the can swap with the first person [and that person doesn't have to agree or anything]

And then whoever has picked number 3 goes, and then they can swap with one or two.

And it goes on and on with everyone swapping gifts until the last person goes. Then whoever got number one gets to swap with whoever they want.

Basically it's best to get the higher numbers [or number one] because then more of the things have already been opened, and if you don't like what you chose, you can always swap with someone else!

We're also doing sundaes, an all-nighter with our favorite movies and the usual girl stuff.

But thats just what me and my girls are doing, I don't know if guys are coming to your party, because they probably wouldn't like the lip gloss and all that jazz. =]

Hope you have a blast & have a great `07!

well have LOTS of food and games to keep them ocupied or they may sneek away and do things they shouldn't be doing!

The food should be simple and okay like different chips, soda, cookies, eggrolls, and homemade food, or ask a few friends to bring food to the party to share. The activities should be like playing sports, listening to music, contests, and more.

as far as food you cant go wrong with simple finger foods such as fruit tray, veggie tray, cheese and cracker tray. Dont get ready made trays they cost to much make it yourself you will have alot more for alot less money.

Make a simple punch, I think punch is a must at a party!

A great board game like bolderdash is soooo fun and really breaks the ice.

Stick to classis games such as sharads have every one draw a name to determine their partner or team, that way the singles won't feel left out. if there is an odd number of people let the person whos name was not picked be the score keeper or 'judge'.

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