Whats the best pet to have: a bird, dog, or fish?!


Whats the best pet to have: a bird, dog, or fish?

It depends on what you're looking for in a pet.

a bird can be affectionate, but it depends on the breed. They can also be noisy and require that their cages be cleaned a lot. Some are tame and can be taught tricks, others are fussy and want nothing to do with you. A great pet bird is one that doesn't have to be caged at all times.

a dog is a very affectionate animal that requires lots of love and attention. Dogs have been known to actually help boost people's moods. They usually require more money to maintain than the others because of needing shots, more food, vet visits, training courses, etc. You also need to make sure the dog has enough room where you live and you need to make time to walk them and give them the attention they need.

a fish can be a very relaxing pet. They make no noise, and don't fuss. The require their tanks be cleaned on a regular basis and that you feed them regularly. That's about it. You can take a vacation and place time released food in the tank which is a plus, but there's no emotional connection like the others.

personal experience. I've owned all 3.

Depends upon what you're looking for in a pet. Noise? Get a bird or a yappy dog. To be ingored? Get a fish. To be loved and adored each and every day: a puppy dog. :-)

How about a turtle.

DOG!!!--boston terrier or english bull dog

in my opinion a dog makes for the best pet. They live to please you. Cats are usually unsocial, and birds make to much dam noise.


African gray parrots are quite nice. They live to be 75-100 years old and talk and are quite smart and they actually know what they are saying when they talk. No other animal does that.

I think fish, if you have something like a full time job. I've found that they are very peaceful, gilding through the water... And you only have to feed them like once a day. If you get some snails, they'll help clean your tank. No animals can help with that for birds and dogs.

a fish. less maintenance and cheaper. they are quiet and they relax you all the time. they don't smell (unless you don't clean your tank).

Bird - Wrong! They are meant to fly!!! Why do caged birds sing? They sing for their freedom!

Dog - great pets but they will take your time that they deserve. They're like having kids, but you don't need a babysitter if you want to go out at nights.

Fish - They're fine if you're 80 years old!


Tough question. Birds mess their cages but sing so sweetly. Dogs chew up shoes but are loyal companions. Fish just sit there and cause no trouble but darn I think I ate one for lunch.
Can I pencil in a pet rock.

Fish. They are allowed anywhere and you don't have any huge messes to clean-up. But if you do have a fish you should have a nice large tank and other fishes for them to play with.

Birds are messy, fish die easily, get a dog!

It depends what do u expect from your pet: If you need a companion - go for a dog! But get the dog ONLY if you are ready to wake up early morning and walk your dog, clean after and take care of..... Sounds not really tempting? So get a fish then! :) Good luck!

FISH because they require little maintenance. All you do is get a good filter, an algae fish or a snail to help keep the tank clean. And, you feed them once a day. However, I do like small furry dogs, but they require too much of my time and too much responsibility.

Get a dog because you can take them out BIRD hunting with you and also they are a great companion to take fishing with you. I have a Chocolate and a yellow Lab. They are awesome pets.

whew this is a tough question...you can become attached to any type of pet...dogs are great pets to have they become your very best friend, they can go just about anywhere with you...and they are so loyal...they can truly lift your spirits when needed. a bird??? well i never owned one...all i know is that they could be noisy and they're messy...i currently have a 50 gallon fish tank, i have 5 fish...they are adorable, a pleasure to look at and low maintenance as long as you get the right equipment for your tank and keep up with the cleaning....the best pet to pick would have alot to do with your life style and personality

Best pet to have is a dog. They can make good protectors. Birds are to hard to clean up after with their cages and everything and cleaning fish tanks arent as easy as it looks. My opinion the dog hands down.

It depends on a lot of things:

-Price (how much are you willing to pay for a pet and how much you want to care for it, dogs will cost the most overall)
-Where you live (do you live in an apartment that doesn't allow big animals? If so, you should get a bird or fish but if you live in an ordinary house, anything is good)
-Family members (do you live with other people, and if so are they small children that could affect your pet)
-Noise (Birds and dogs can be noisy but fish of course don't make any noise)
-Spending time with the pet (if you are at home often or don't spend a lot of time away from home either from school/job/whatever you can easily care for dogs since they need to be taken outside and played with and fed, except birds must be fed and have their cage cleaned out often, and with fish fed daily as well as change their water)

There is many other factors to consider, so it all depends on how you live.

cat , fish or rabbit i think.

I think it really depends on how much time you have to devote to caring for a pet. Fish you just have to feed once a day, occasionally change their water, and most landlords have no problem with them. Dogs you have to feed once or twice a day, but you have to take them out to do their duty (don't forget the pooper scooper), but they give you unconditional love and companionship you can't find anywhere else. Birds you have to feed daily, clean their cage quite often, and depending on the breed depends on noise volume (the larger the louder) but the larger the more attention they need. Parrots need to be paid attention to a lot, or they end up with behavior problems.

haha k, i say dog, cuz yea it obvious, but u can only have a bird if u have like 12 of them in ur house flying around, then its cool. lol. ehh not really, they'd **** everywhere, yea stik wit the dog.


I have 1 bird, 2 dogs, and 1 fish. Birds are to messy. Dogs are to loud. so just get a fish.

i have a dog and a snake

Well it depends on what kind of relationship your looking for to have with that pet.I cant really answer that because I dont know what kind of reponsibilities you want and dont want.To me fish are the easiest to handle. Then gos the bird . Last dog.

a dog!
If you want someone who will bring you the paper without first tearing it apart to remove the sports section.
then buy a dog.
If you want someone willing to make a fool of himself simply over the joy of seeing you.
then buy a dog.
If you want someone who will eat whatever you put in front of him and never says it's not quite as good as his mother made it ....
then buy a dog.
If you want someone always willing to go out, at any hour, for as long and wherever you want.
then buy a dog.
If you want someone who will never touch the remote, doesn't care about football, and can sit next to you as you watch romantic movies
then buy a dog.
If you want someone who is content to get up on your bed just to warm your feet and whom you can push off if he snores .....
then buy a dog.
If you want someone who never criticizes what you do, doesn't care if you are pretty or ugly, fat or thin, young or old, who acts as if every word you say is especially worthy of listening to, and loves you unconditionally, perpetually .
then buy a dog.
But, on the other hand, if you want someone who will never come when you call, ignores you totally when you come home, leaves hair all over the place, walks all over you, runs around all night and only comes home to eat and sleep, and acts as if your entire existence is solely to ensure his happiness .
then buy a cat!

A Dog i have 3 Dogs

well............. a dog is the most fun probably to have, a bird is fun but it is really noisy and can wake you up when you're sleeping, a fish.... you can only watch

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