Having a party dilemma!! What would you do??!


Having a party dilemma!! What would you do??

We're having a New Year's party at my house (45 - 50 ppl) I'm all set for food, decorations, drinks and all that. My dilemma is: How do I keep people from hanging out IN MY KITCHEN while I'm trying to put food out on the table. Most of the food is prepared in advance - but it has to be popped in the oven before it's put out. I need a way to keep people out of the kitchen so I can get it all done quickly and get back to my party!!

Any suggestions??...

Put all the drinks in another room, keep the kitchen lights on full, dont decorate the kitchen or have music on in there. Finally, ask people nicely to stay out. They are your friends, they will understand and want to respect the wishes of their hostess.

Have a good time!

set up caution tape, or just tell everyone the party is primarily in the living room or dining room or where ever it is. if they dont listen grab a water gun to keep them out

Wow, you must have a big house!

I really don't know how to keep guests out of the kitchen, with the possible exception of simply announcing "stay out of the kitchen!" as they arrive. And that might be perceived as rude.

There's also likely to be some guests that WANT to help you out in the kitchen (to act as waitstaff, so they can "mingle". If you don't already have someone helping you serve, then why not let a helpful guest do some of the work!?

Also---and this is based on my own experience, at parties I've given, and at parties I've attended---the kitchen often seems like a good place to "hang out". I think it's because the kitchen (ANY kitchen) feels less formal, more relaxed, and more "homey" than any other room in the house. And if someone spills wine on the linoleum, it's alot better than if they'd spilled it on your sofa (or carpet).

Good Luck, and Happy New Year

Keep chairs bordering the entrance to the kitchen. Ooh! Or a card table- use it as a blockade and set the snacks on that!

MMMMM, let's see....you invited 50 people to your house but you want privacy. Can you say DRAMA QUEEN? LOL

Ask your spouse or a friend to help divert traffic to the other rooms. If a stray does enter the room, throw a tray in their hands and ask them to circulate. Once they find out they have to work, maybe they'll stay away.

Right before the time you need to get in the kitchen, provide something entertaining in another room. Ideas? Home videos, a game, karaoke etc.

two words: barbed wire.

lead them into the dinning or living area when they coem in, have the drinks and a few snacks set up there. when u go to get the other food, just say "oh, i'll be right back, dont have to much fun with out me!" and dash to get the other food. it may help if u keep the lights off in the kitchen or only one dim one on so people will know thats not where the partys at. ?

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